Saturday, February 16, 2013
the pocket full of nothing
You are always looking for something more.
What does porn have to do with Christian witnesses?
What does political intrigue from over a decade ago have to do with anything?
Why has Lame Cherry not been commenting on things and has just been posting all that religious stuff?
I have seen the hoe I was tilling the garden of such hopes and dreams and have beheld the weapon of war which I have been pounded and honed into.
Oh that I had never left the garden, but I never did, the battlefield simply overtook my meandering abode.
Thorns and thistles are now grown without care. The sugary sap has replaced the mountain dew in mellowing it to remind the tongue of the bite of corn syrup which can not lessen the caustic bite of the the citrus.
In prayers of trying to be God, there are those who have cut this Spirit to the quick. The silliness of the ants who think they are more wise than God or that His Seer would not know by that Spirit that which was prayed.
I was hungry and you starved me. I begged for a place and you made me a two bit whore. I was naked and you stole my cloth for posts of your own. I was imprisoned and you gave yourself license to liberally sin. I see on December 10th that Matt Drudge lives in the future too as his license is now already showing 2013.
You though my children who are concerned that I speak of you, do not be discomforted for I speak not of you. You are my little lambs with lion's teeth and I adore each of you.
My Spiritual wounds are many and deep. Things have now been decided which I will have lived into. The greatest light ever has been used to illuminate a brothel.
You though have lived vicariously through me into the future.
Gingrich: GOP 'Incapable Of Competing' Against Clinton In 2016...
You know things enough in how it will be so you will not be surprised. You will need me as your national shepherd, but you will soon scatter and the wolves will pick your arrogant numbers
Amazing in those who gave there all had nothing to give, and those who had more than enough to give, gave nothing, and soon enough, they will have nothing as their all can not afford the Inspiration they will beg for.
It is no the new year. The New Year is the spring and the harvest is in the autumn after the threshing. I know too much and know too little and you know nothing at all.
I have a neighbor who should be awarded Heaven for good works alone.
The first of the Last Lights to illuminate and what have you done with that light, but use it to shine upon the more of your sin in the darkness.
A pocket full of nothing
Is still a pocket full of full
How can nothing be something
Knits the sheep with unshorn wool
Baa baa my little lambs
Have you any silk
Worms spin my masters din
Into a weave of ilk
Pretty are the silken lies
Upon that silver thread.......
Am tired of speaking as the din has has so much to say in vomit, puked up in talking points before.
Pocket gophers chewing on my Inspired words, filling their puffy cheeks, and trying to look human, when it is all gopher.