This blog is really upset about the Christopher Dorner script being acted out, because it really stereotypes him into the stupid, lazy black man that Hollywood loves in Obama as a Designer Negro, but it just lacks any semblance of military and police training.
I really do not understand the hype of the LAPD in stating that "we trained him", so I expected more out of him, but he is instead acting out like a Joker and Hooker from Batman and Sandy Hook movies.
So we are told to now believe the story was Dorner who methodically tracked down his victims, eluded police, was sometime chased by a drone that somehow lost him.......was up in Big Bear, burned out his pick up, leaving him with no transportation in the middle of nowhere......only to appear later in a well to do area in San Bernadino, taking two hostages, steals another pick up and gets into a cabin after shooting two cops.
If that is US military training and LAPD training, the Chinese.....hell the Mexicans might as well just invade as America has no semblance of any security training, and worse yet, LAPD is absolutely unable to do any type of job, as another county has someone that is reported as Dorner.
What does not make any sense in this is the reality of this has been going on for over 6 hours. Another cop was shot dead.........uh drive up in a Hummer which you have that is plated, fire in a few concussion grenades and go pick up the comatose whoever is in this cabin "baracaded" in.
What the hell does that mean? He puts a sofa in front of a door and the cops can't get in? You know what cabins are like, in all windows, patios and glass doors.....hell they are houses of glass, and light can get as easy as cops.
So why are the cops doing the slow twist in this taking more dead coppers?
Ah yes, the problem in this in Dorner has not carried out his training nor has he conducted himself as he did from the start. It is now a tale of two Dorners, and troubling thing is the brain dead one started showing up, after this blog printed up a revised protocol of operations in next possible moves.....and linking Obama to this operation.
Dorner can not be found and suddenly the B. Hussein link shows up, and Dorner is nabbed.
This is not the Amerikan Che of 5 days ago....hell of one day ago.
Oh yes, but this is breaking........

How convenient eh?
Sort of ties up all the loose ends now does it not? Dead men telling no tales and the same California coroners who ..........could not find anything out of the ordinary in Andrew Breitbart will now find Christopher Dorner torched crispy and all the Branch Davidian evidence up in smoke.....sorry wrong set up.
Is amusing really in the "Dorner may be inside", if not, that is really great work by the police in taking more hits and allowing him to escape......oh there is that reality that Dorner would torch the police in leaving it, but as stated nothing in this nothing is making sense.
These events are now manufactured to produce conspiracy theories, as it helps the cartels hide in the shadows.
I hope it wasn't LL Cool J they nabbed, but then the ABC Mockingbird feed just happened to have a video of it after all media was ordered to pull back for SWAT activities.
At least Mark Levin got another dead Obama associate, as he does have that blood lust in announcing on his program, "I hope they blast him", in this black man did not deserve a fair trial.
Evidence does not fit the standard police operations. They took fire from whoever, fell back, then had LAPD tactical and sat on the site for hours, produced a press conference to "arrest this guy" sat around for another two hours and the cabin starts on fire.
The profile has been broken. That can not happen as the leopard does not change it's spots. Therefore the psychology has been altered.
I guess Chris Dorner really was a white guy....or maybe a white guy was marking his mental lines
D.C. Sniper: Cover for FBI Agent's Murder? - Democratic Underground › Discuss
13 posts - 4 authors - Jan 7, 2006
D.C. Sniper: Cover for FBI Agent's Murder? ... out there to be googled and please feel free to post it here i.e. Mind control / MK-Ultra, etc.The last time profile was broken was the DC sniper. Think about it.
CNN - 4 days agoManhunt for Southern California sniper suspect has some eery similarities and some decided differences to DC sniper attacks.
Right on cue ABC.
agtG 237
KCBS-TV: Tracks were apparently found leading to horse corral from house which could indicate possible escape...
Yes nothing in this makes any sense......he follows profile, he breaks profile.......he is caught and the police let him escape on bring in a corpse to bbq........
So many Mockingbird scenarios built for the public by design.
agtG 282