I make note of something as Matt Drudge invests days now on the snow on the east coast as some major event.
Boston Near All-Time Record...
Nuke Power Plant Shut Down...
State shuts liquor stores...
Hundreds of cars stranded...

Want to know what is wrong here? I really do not care if you do, as I have had it with idiots on and off this blog.
What is wrong is another part of America is AGAIN being blasted with like weather today which is far worse in the long run, than that snow dump on the east coast, but those people do not matter in America as usual.
The year Katrina hit, another Katrina hit this area of far worse consequences. The FEMA response was an airplane flying over to assess the situation.
The situation was half a state without power bigger than all these pissy east coast counties called state, hundreds of power poles snapped, lines down, over 3 feet of ice and snow, blizzard winds and yes......what for it eh, 20 below zero temperatures.
Oh and unlike little Boston or Hamden, that snow stayed until MAY from December of that year, so forgive the eye rolling in the Great Plains of America in North and South Dakota, with Minnesota and Wisconsin are being pounded by a far more lethal storm than what Drudge's little storm is......and no one like always gives a damn when it snows the reservation or when the Indians dance.
People of that region are hearty and things like that do not bother them as it is "weather" and they just shrug. They do not need a governor to tell them not to drive in a storm.....hell if a governor told them that they would say, "FUCK YOU" and go get coffee anyway on a 10 mile trip to town as they use common sense and know how to handle the weather.
It gets old now in the "wind chill" always being made a big deal of. Rural people just look at that and say, "If you're that damn stupid to be out in the wind and not in a shelter you deserve to get frost bite or die".
There are differences in western America, in they build things like utilities to withstand storms. East coast utilities snap, because they are cutting corners on things. All of this adds up.......and it is a point that when it snows or a hurricane comes........you just deal with it and move on. No one seems to give a damn when a cyclone blasts western America, although now for hype they are naming all these goddamned blizzards and things, when the last thing people want to remember is a storm.
Storms are best remembered by the one that your cow froze to death or when you got caught out on the ice because fishing was good.
Yes mam, there you have a storm on the Great Plains with not pretty snow, but that damn snow dust that makes you cough when you suck it in breathing and ice pellets like a shotgun blast in high winds, and that is a storm........they get lots of storms in that country, and no Drudge Report coverage. Snow is not pretty out there, no nice flakes and it is usually some sooty color from dirt or coal plants belching things into the atmosphere........so all the pretty people in Chicago and elsewhere can breathe clean air.
The Guardian (blog) - by Amanda Holpuch - 1 day ago
People in North Dakota may scoff at our pathetic "blizzard", because life in North Dakota is one permanent blizzard if this Coen brothers movieYeah that eastern European Amanda Holpuch summed it up, as weather is what always is what is trying to kill you, but in that area of the country, the people just trust in God, common sense and usually some colorful language to get motivated as they get out into it......and go to work for the day, as until teachers figured out snow meant being paid for not working, they never called off school, never called off work......hell you missed Church because of the weather, you were some condemned heathen.
Odd how white America, right wing America, just does not matter to Matt Drudge, but liberal America certainly does having the same type of weather.
Yeah, the Canucks in the interior, the Americans of the interior are a special breed of stock, so they get life done no matter what, but this fuss over some goddamned snow is just a bit much. It is just weather and a week from now it will all be melted..........in North Dakota it will not melt until the end of April most years......as things continue to die due to the hardships of that storm.
No headlines in that though, as putting emphasis on a bunch of people who think snowing is some major headline is.........well the same last nail that helped Obama flip and election on Mitt Rommey in that hurricane.
I'm still pissed that global warming was a lie. I planned to get me a ranch up in the Northwest Territories and wear shorts as I road line in November as it was all supposed to be so warm.
Stupid asses closing liquor stores. Best thing in the world was to get them all tanked to cull the herd on Obama voting coasts. Get enough booze in them and they wouldn't freeze anyway as snow insulates too.
nuff said.