Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lame Cherry Proven RIght Again

As further proof of Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives, by the Grace of God's Inspiration, this blog was proven right again when it informed everyone before the fact, that Barack Hussein Obama had gone to the Middle East to start a war.

This blog told you that Assad was a direct target.

This blog posted a series of Inquiries days before the Drudge Report started posting the beginning of those events.

None of this is by accident and NO ONE ELSE exposed this save this Prophetic conduit of God.

You try it sometime going out on a limb while satan's censors and the devil's minions are just waiting for you to make a mistake in public to point to.

The value of what takes place here can not priced.

I do not brag on any of this as this is all God's doing. I make note of these things again and again though as warning to the detractors and warning to all in what takes place here in God's doing.

Reckoning, Repayment and Recompense will come from God, my God, the One Whom I serve. You will face my Lord and His Judgment.

I have warned it is better to have the conduit as a friend than as someone upset. I have warned that, here am I kindness, compared to the Witnesses who will come.

No one else, accomplished the above in Prophecy a week before the events, went out on a limb, or spoke of any of this.
Levin was screeching about diversions, Big Gulp was sucking soda, and the rest of the media were deceiving you as George Nouri and Jerome Corsi unloaded on Kim Jong Un.

To the above, pay attention. To the brats, know your betters and to the children, God bless you.

To all, go back now to your disinformation to pollute your souls,as you doubt what goes on here every word of the way.

agtG 288YY