Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Batbitch Boston Bomber Crazy

This blog must apologize in being too spot on accurate as it is overworking the Mockingbird mechanism in they are issuing dispatches that are contradicting their original propaganda.

This blog first stated it was triggering devices for detonators, but then the official report was it was cell phones.
When this blog noted the reality of the problem with the speed the cell phone towers were shut down as things appeared repositioned, the official story shifted back to mechanical detonators as it is hard to send a signal through a pressure cooker.

 Law enforcement has not yet determined what was used to set off the explosives. Typically, these bombs have an initiator, switch and explosive charge, according to a 2004 warning from the Homeland Security Department about these types of explosives.

To review in this, the official regime story as of this moment is looking for a tax protester, who looks like big foot and apparently cooks like Martha Stewart as the "bomb" was a pressure cooker.

Once again, this matches the original assessment in these bombs being vertical bombs, as these pressure cookers have been featured here numerous times.
It was Fidel Castro who was ranting to Cubans about contraband pressure cookers undercutting state manufactured pressure cookers.

Ok now for a hissy pot explanation now, as I too am a pressure cooker snob, a real collector of pressure cookers and canners, and havig almost a dozen of them I have picked up, I wonder now about being searched as I do take them on trips for cooking as they are so quick......and will I now need BATFE class 3 licenses for my pots as are apparently dangerous weapons in 3rd world terrorists hands.

For those who do not know, pressure cookers are different than pressure canners. Cookers use a weight on top to hold in steam pressure, and have a relief valve. The older models were thick aluminum which cooks better. The newer models are stainless steel and lighter.
They have rubber seals like the space shuttle boosters had to hold in steam pressure and operate at about 15 pounds PSI.
They all LOCK ON in a quarter turn of the lid to seal  things, and keep the lid from blowing off.

I will repeat in this, that the idea is sort of in bomb, like a gun barrel to have a place to vent that pressure to accomplish something. When one has a high pressure metal container that locks tight with seals, then of course one has a "bomb" that is not an anti personnel bomb, but a bomb that blows straight up into the air and the concussion blast is what injures people.
One obtains a high pressure blast at source which ruptures the metal container for a violent release, but it also might be the source for the "shrapnel" that was not reported, then was reported and after being featured here, might go back to being not reported again, as the regime can not keep it's stories straight as it had in talking points 'tax protesters' and now they are trying to say this was some Pakistani's but they want no part of this sham as everyone is disavowing any knowledge of what was planned out of 1600 Penn Avenue as booberman Obama makes this a new event to bomb some poor 3rd world place to bamahdi and back to change the subject.

Fat fingers Feinstein in her talking points was warning of "domestic" terrorism when they were trying to string up that Saudi kid, who apparently was the one normal person in running the hell away from a bomb blast site and not running toward it.......like the news media were, as if they knew they were safe, and it was more important to get those pictures to scare the wits out of people, so they would not pay attention to what was taking place.

I can inform all of you, that pressure cookers are HEAVY. Imagine that, and when one loads things in them, whether soup or bombs, they are really heavy like the kind of heavy PEOPLE NOTICE others hauling around in now BIG BLACK BAGS.......or was it  the one "bomb" which was left to be found, just happened to be a pressure cooker and the rest of these "bombs" were completely different devices?

I do know that when this blog from the start was tracking this correctly, that the official version became versions in so many accounts coming out that they are all contradicting what was the reality.

I do know that this blog broke SMEDINGHOFFGATE, and when that was tracked to the Holder cell run out of NSA cover, that someone decided a game changer was necessary to change the conversation from the assassination of Anne Smedinghoff to Martha Stewart cooking up bombs for Big Foot.

Chris Dorner's event was turned back on the Obama regime, just as ANALGATE in Benghazi was turned back by insiders leveraging things. This all tracks in the same situation that Obama had an event planned to blame Americans and those carrying it out, pulled an end run and changed things around, and the regime was caught flat footed.

It stands to reason, that a patsy is being formulated to blame this on, and probably murder them as Jake Tapper will only be alive to tell the tales. A new patsy as the old patsy was not fitting the sub Asian profile which is the joke in all of this apparently.

This is really tiring and not worth the effort. There is absolutely not any possible way those bombs could have been planted in mass and no visual  traces were made, unless it was insiders running another Holder operation to blame tax protesters. The insiders not apparently liking the deal Ann Smedinghoof got, and not liking the "conversation change" the Boston bombing was to be used to push gun control through, decided to play not fair and leave another ANALGATE and DORNERGATE for the regime to try and Hooker and Joker their way to some swiss cheese story.

I apologize for poking so many holes in all of this Boston Bomber Bake, so, so many new versions have to compete in the official version covering things up, but perhaps if the Birther issue, the Dorner reality, the assassination of the Diospora Dead and the murder of Ann Smedinghoff were covered, then all of these conversation changer events would not be created blowing up parts of Boston.

When stories change in the official version time and again, someone is covering up something the regime is involved in. That is the reality.

 Might deduce that with so many scripts not working since September 11, 2012, for the Obama regime on things that there is an internal battle taking place over regime issues, as a very fortified group that Obama can not deal with, has been tagging "MADE AT 1600 PENN AVENUE" on all of these events just like Watergate was constructed from within.

Playing with the plasma eh?

agtG 250