Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Patsy Lee Oswald of Boston

As a note my children, in the continued Lame Cherry matter and anti matter exclusives........

From my inquiries, this person of interest which was announced hours before the arrest for the Boston bombings, is not who carried out these attacks.

I started working on this late last evening around midnight, and the trail which I was shown has nothing to do with who carried out the attacks.
The easy thing would be to post agreement with this and take credit for things, but I will post for tomorrow exactly all the information provided.

I posted a great deal of data already, and whether posted or not in passing, I did state a patsy was being generated, and this person according to what I was shown is a Patsy Lee Oswald.

I'm going to work on this for posting tomorrow in what I was shown and will stand by that, because this is not the perpetrator who is in custody.
This person no more did this, than the actor who was shot by the SEALS in Pakistan, playing Sheik bin Laden.

 It took a few days to Obamachurian this person they have in custody. Now they have their cover up in place.

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