Saturday, April 20, 2013

Setting the record straight

In another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.........

The autumn of 1963 found three German nationals, provided new identities in Operation Paperclip on a new mission from their base at Fort Hood Texas.
The three officers, veterans of the German Wehrmacht in World War II, and veterans of the American Infantry in the Korean War, had been activated for a special mission in November at Dallas.

The three were now Republicans and had voted for Richard Nixon. They though like their commanders were driven by a Kennedy doctrine which formed after the Cuban Missile Crisis, in Germany was not to be defended in a Soviet threat, but abandoned to a scorched earth.
France was to be the battle line of defense with England as the operational base.
This was not acceptable as the defeat of the German nemesis, the Soviet Union, with the reunification of Germany, was the only outcome which would be permitted.

The rifles chosen were to mirror Lee Harvey Oswald's known 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano, but in there protocols would be the superior 6.5 Swedish Mauser 98 design, confiscated from Sweden during World War II, and held in German stores.

The two rifles were mounted with Zeiss 4 power telescopic sights.

These officers in the United States Army with new identities, were to set up a triangulation in Dallas, Texas for the removal of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
On the day in question of November 22nd, the trio, one in the School Book Depository, one on the Grassy Knoll and one in an enclosure to Kennedy's left, would open fire.

The Mannlicher being inferior sprayed bullets about the target area. The enclosure Swedish Mauser struck the President first in the back of the neck causing his arms to raise. It was the Grassy Knoll Swedish Mauser which would produce the infamous kill shot of the brain splatter.

These were standard 6.5 Swedish full metal jacket rounds, but they had been re crafted to expose the lead to mimic a soft point.

The Secret Service was not involved. The reactions of the driver were one of instinct in allowing the agents to cover Mrs. Kennedy, before speeding away.
Likewise the CIA was not involved, but it was this group of German Social Nationals who had infiltrated and been placed in key areas with sympathetic cohorts who carried out this plan.

Prescott Bush was the mastermind behind this action. Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon both had knowledge of this operation, but were moved by national security concerns as President Kennedy had brought the world to nuclear armageddon, and from their perspective, their America would have to be saved from this repeating.

The German Socialists designed this and this was all about German survival as Kennedy had buckled to the Soviets in Cuba and was initiating  this in Vietnam.

The designers flew in a French assassination team as a red herring. The entire operation was designed to "dirty up" as many groups as possible, so all being dirty would all become involved in the cover up and never look at the German involvement.

The Swedish Mausers were taken to Houston, placed on a government owned boat and taken 20 miles off the coast into the Gulf of Mexico and dumped there.
They were wrapped in military plastic, but were not dumped by the 3 assassins.
The rifles are still there, and in shootable condition, although they are rusty.

The 3 shooters died of old age.

This same group is who was behind the installation of Birther Hussein Obama as a foreign agent and why Mr. Obama appeared first in Berlin, at Adolf Hitler's favorite monument.
This group was also behind Watergate in the coup against Richard Nixon, as Nixon had begun Detente with with Soviet Union, which endangered the reunification of Germany and would keep the Germans from their place as leaders of Europe.

This same group were the ones behind shooting President Ronald Reagan, and in John Hinkley being a family friend of the Bush family, attempted to pin it on them. The same scenario was at work in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in the attempts to place this on the Bush family.

John F. Kennedy assassination rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In March 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, using the alias "A. Hidell," purchased a 6.5 mm Carcano Model 91/38 rifle (also improperly called Mannlicher-Carcano) by ...

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