Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Not Born with a Silver Spoon

I purchased last year at the junk store, a stainless steel baby spoon because it was cute for 20 cents or 40 cents.

Mom used it sometimes as she is petite. I think TL used it too, but as of late I have confiscated it for the eating of grapefruit and it is perfect.
Is an odd spoon of diminutive status, in not the normally large round thing for babies, but is just about 1/3rd the size of normal spoons.

I have eaten ice cream with it too, and have been pondering it is as a trail spoon or survival spoon as it eats much bigger than it is. It just puzzles me like Dr. Who's Tartalus in being bigger on the inside and smaller on the outside.....that physics I understand but not my baby spoon.

God always knows the things we need and surprises us best with children. They are small packages which are much larger imprint than we ever considered.

I have some silverware which came from some give away detergent I think. Made in Asia, with three sun or star bursts on the handle, pointed end, but they are near perfection in the table and soup spoons as I eat almost all things with them.
They are one of things I would do if I was a tycoon in making them and then selling them cheaply so all would have the pleasure of eating with perfect utensils.

I think one of the reasons people are so ornery and crabby is they fight with their utensils all the time in not being perfect for their anatomy.

a breakfast of

double-boiled scrambled eggs, Canadian bacon, English muffins, Ore-Ida

potato rounds and Florida orange juice this morning.

I have never eaten double boiled scrambled eggs........so many adventures I must experience to keep up with the children leading the way.
