Saturday, May 25, 2013

Deja Vu

My children, by Inspiration let me explain the talking points.

When I spoke horizon point. That is a point of an event to happen coming into view. Sometimes there are numerous horizon points of the same event, and they then converge to one event that becomes focal point.

Focal point is the point at which the event takes place. You have a focal point many times a day in living the Life God gave you. Decisions, will, sin, God and satan are part of each focal point.

Vanishing point is that point when the event structure disappears, in either not taking place of having taken place.

As you move through life, you must comprehend you are moving through a fluid light, in a great archive in which God has predetermined all, as it is already declared from the beginning to the end.

If you could envision in your mind, your walking along or on a conveyor, seeing you, but seeing parallel "yous" in mists and shadows of events that is what all of this appears like.
For example, you might be driving a car and be delayed and scream about it. Another you though cuts through traffic and meets an accident. It then depends upon which "you" is the determined one that projects out to focal point that day, and you either live or die by that event.

That is what deja vu is. It is "you" having been in an event that was part of your life's destiny, and one of you who experieneced it, has melded into you, to continue on, in another facet of this in merge points.

While in your specific experience or parallel universie, you were at a place, the you, who is the same you, already was at that point, and you experienced it later as that was determined.

I do not want to make it sound like there is an evil you, a good you, a successful you or a failed you. There is just you. Physicists and Hollywood can generate all sorts of nonsense, but the reality is you are you, and the events of will, your will, are who you chose to be from the unbeforetime, and you are living them out to the end in a series of events which brings eternal life or eternal death.
It is idiocy though for people to say, "Well I'm going to hell so there is no use in trying". That is exactly the destiny you chose and it was factored in you would be sloven at that event, instead of the you who would live on and get up and behave. At that moment the moral you, became a vanishing point as you intended as you made a choice that obliterated the good which you could have brought about.

There are scenarios where you die of all sorts of things, as everyone dies, and each is a horizon point that will be or not be, and they meld to that point of exit as events chosen become destiny.

If you are chasing wealth all of your life, that is the reflection you become in death and that is death, and not Spiritual in God. The process is slow as evil is not incarnate, it is a choice which  cements harder until the heart is seared and no redemption is possible.

That is enough about this.

agtG 321Y