Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I'm tired, but of course my children you get to go to sleep, but I have to work some more even in recovery. I half want to install the anti Christ hisself to get this show on the road and get it all over with.

Not going to be entertaining as am not in the mood with any of you. If you want entertainment go somewhere else.

The star of David is not David's at all. It is Sacred Geometry just like the pentagram of witchcraft. What you are looking at as this blog wrote of years ago, is a one dimensional geometric sign of a three dimensional apparatus, called the Tree of Life. This is all kabballah type stuff in moving geometry that should not be tried by children as it will literally drive you insane.

The 6 sided star is the male entity in form, complete with penis. The 5 sided star is the female entity in form, open for penetration. What this is, is a geometric pattern like DaVinci discovered and the symetry. Euclids degree...all that.

Single geometric expression in all of these shapes form in motion and line the complete circle of God, the Sphere. Each shape and form is formed in this circle as lines cross and recross, motion puts this frequency in order and transforms things.

Laying the 6 and the 5 sided star on top of each other in rites, produces a mingling frequency. That is why the birth, death and sex rites are performed. You can see that the 5 and 6........6 being the number of fallen man, and 5 of fallen woman in the rib which created her from Adam, produces and overlay. I have mapped out in color coordination the common areas of union, and the outlying areas, with the central symmetry producing a "sexless" star, that is led by the all seeing eye.......yes that same cap on the pyramid, as the two become one in the strength of the triangular form.

The 360 degrees in the circle are laid out in pattern 0, 45, 90. 135. 180, 225, 270, 315 and 360 in the male, with the half degrees in the 5 pointed star.

In both stars, the 5 point pentagram reverses from outside to inside, and the six point star becomes a sectogon in geometry from outside to inside.

All of the angular shapes are the building patterns of all things and assembling any of them will bring back the original shapes to complete them.

Call it the Lame Cherry Law of Paradigm Assembly in Sacred Geometry.

This is the facet of the Tree which is the procreation or transfiguatory rite in the Sphere. It is why it is focused upon in the arts and the magik by the practioners. Why the one dimensional symbols are sacred and honored for the hidden meaning of the mystery religion.

Both of these symbols are X's in assemblage. The open triangle in polarity seeking completion by closing the gap.

Enough of this as this is too much information, no one knows what to do with and rightly so. It is though what the practitioners are casting.

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