Thursday, May 2, 2013
shadow of mlk
Second week June will come to be soon
The tincture of daily bread
Hippocrates does no harm now or knowing how
Yet the patient is already dead
The number two will be the new
He knew the condition from the start
He auditioned as king in all it will bring
This has always been of his heart
The potion was changed for the brain rearranged
The crimson tide upon a high shore
The date has been set and he will not resurrect
This years end will see him no more
The cauldron does bubble with toil and trouble
The vein ruptures all of it's treasure
There will he fall on wings of the sky tall
The one who is weighed and lacking in measure
They will cast off the corpse after a gay parade
To be rid of it along the way
Not a hole in the ground but a crypt shall be found
In the shadow of MLK
Spin silver thread of future wed
Of coming in horizon event
The historical one now setted sun
The son which Asian once lent