Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Pedosnatchers

Human slave traffick is a horrid problem and it is hidden in American, couched in the cradle robbing of the elite of other nation's children under the guise "these children need homes".

Laura Ingraham is behind this push in cradle robbery with a new "documentary" about the merits of pedosnatching.

Ms. Ingraham is one of he cradle snatchers, like Chief Justice John Roberts, whose own purchases of two Nazi babies in Latin America, got him blackmailed into voting rationed death in Obamacare into the law of the land.
For the record, Ms. Ingraham, has stated that she paid out over 28,000 per child from Guatemala and Russia for "her" children.

It makes no difference if one is paying a slave trader or a baby selling lawyer, human traffick is human traffick.

Both Ends Burning » STUCK
STUCK is a new award-winning documentary film, produced by Both Ends ... of bureaucracy on their journeys through the international adoption system, each ...

The reality is the persona behind cradle robbery pedosnatching in STUCK, stated that he has acquired 3 Hatian children, "because they needed families".
Let us not forget those religious child snatchers who went into Haiti after turmoil and kidnapped children from "those darkies" who obviously could not raise their own babies, as the white elite could just pick up a new pet that walks on two legs, as of course Americans have this right to kidnap children and buy children on their personal theft policy.

Only this blog has catalogued what a disaster Laura Ingraham is, and she is a disaster.

Ingraham is a Nixon appointee babe to resurrect his career. She is blonde eye whore that Nixon employed wisely. On that she had doors opened, where she spread her legs for the gems of third world frauds like Dinesh D'Souza and that other wonder of Robert Torecelli.

Laura Ingraham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Her nationally syndicated talk show, The Laura Ingraham Show, will air .... once engaged to conservative author and fellow Dartmouth alumnus Dinesh D'Souza. She also has dated former New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Torricelli.

The reality is Ingraham has a psychopathy in men, and decided to flip God the middle finger  and buy children when she could not in her emotional state find a man who did not have blonde issues needing to get off on.

Ingraham has gone public about her adoptions, and it was recorded here in she has a 2 year old Russian boy who she can not control. This little Ivan the Terrible terrorizes her home, because there is no father in the house to discipline this budding tyrant.
The kid screams, demands to sleep with her, laughs at her trying to be stern, punched her once, and Ingraham's last reported action was she was trying to get him to sleep on the floor like a dog.

Whether people like it or not, different races do produce different mentalities in children. Certain Slavic children like Russians are bull headed, like certain breeds of dogs are like the Chesapeake. Certain breeds of Asians are docile like the Irish Setter. The Setter you can talk sternly to an they will cower and the Chessie will require corporal punishment.
Ingraham has in her house, a radical Russian and a blooming passionate Latin Nazi. It will be a surprise in what is taking place there if Ivan does not impregnate Maria, and this is what Ingraham is championing in "a correct family policy".

Her cohorts are that Mary Landreiu of Louisiana and Sheila Jackson of Texas, both liberal kooks in this pedosnatching ring of a global scale.

There is the stats too presented that a million couples in America desire children. That statistic whether fraud or real, requires the pointing out that when Laura Ingraham disobeys God's Law and when a million couples disobey God' Laws, then God brings about His Promise in the curses of Deuteronomy 28 in making wombs barren on a national scale.

A number of years ago, I came across a rather unique ministry. of a Pastor whose main calling was he laid hands on married women whose wombs were shut, and most of them after being prayed over by this Christian became pregnant.

If there are a million couples who want babies, then get on your knees before God and get right with God first, and then have a Pastor pray and bless who has this calling.  Stop cheating God and taking short cuts by stealing other nation's children under the guise of need or good deed doing.

I place this link not as a source, but as an example this is the correct way to have children and not buy them like a dog.

Fruit Of The Womb Video Testimonies - LWH Publications
... so that women all over the world can receive the blessing of fruit of the womb ... pregnant with twins using the Book “Woman you are not infertile” and Pastor ... for those women praying for the fruit of the womb and trying to become pregnant,

The reality is each nation has the right to THEIR CHILDREN. Laura Ingraham is now protesting Russia keeping her own children from being bought and sold, to sometimes disastrous consequences in those babies being abused and murdered in America.

If you want children, then Hannah is the example in she went before the Lord and prayed and the High Priest blessed her, and she brought forth a Prophet.
I have mentioned my example of coming into being. My Mom unaware of Hannah, had given birth to 4 children, and miscarried on the last. She was 6 years barren and prayed to God for another child whom she promised to return to God, if He would give this child. On Thanksgiving she conceived, and that baby was me.

You want a child, get right with God and have God provide you one of His children to be raised by you CORRECTLY in a husband and wife married home.
You do not steal children nor buy them.

If these people like Laura Ingraham, cared one thing about these children, they would be FUNDING a family measure in these 2nd and 3rd world nations, so these babies could be raised by their own people in stable and loving homes. Ingraham though is more interested like her cohorts in cutting corners and not dealing with their own psychopathies and sins.
Those children belong TO THOSE NATIONS and not to thieving rich Americans. They belong to families there who would be raising them and adopting them, if Larua Ingraham and all these elitists were not economically raping those nations via Warren Buffett and George Soros.

That is the reality in all of this, and it is of course going to be unpopular as like PETA sucker commercials on sad pets, one sees the same two legged pets on digital and one's mind is warped into thinking that of course Americans can do such a wonderful job in babies compared to these 3rd and 2nd world types of that non master race.

How's that Obama adoption turning out for America? How about those wonderful Kennedy families in how money solves all problems?

As this blog has protested, there is nothing worse in this world than these Americans going into the 3rd world, who as missionaries or "professionals" go in and f*ck the pretty local girls as "wives", in prostitution called marriage to piss the locals off or that wonder of buying children like pets, because the locals need it rubbed in how poor they are.

Are there examples of adoptions that work? Sure there are, just like there are examples of Americans getting wacko Romanian babies that were psychotic and dumping them back into Romania when the Iron Curtain fell.
None of that matters as that is not the content. The content is a Christian nation, has fruitful wombs as America had until she dumped God, and turned to infanticide, sodomy and a messiah Obama. A Christian nation finds a way to help the people in the foreign nation to work and raise families, rather than exploit them and steal their children.

I repeat, you want babies, then get right with God and that begins in the soul of EVERY person. You rob from God and cheat God, and you will end up with more problems of these changelings eating the adopter.

Sinners who sow sin, harvest a manifestation of greater sins. Americans do not solve their sins, but committing greater sins.

nuff said
