Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Urban Wilderness
In the masterful works of President Theodore Roosevelt and Col. Washington Irving Dodge, there were realities of the liberty of the American wilderness which revealed that human nature in some peoples could not handle freedom in an absolute form, in they would become as savage as the Indian aboriginals.
For example a flirtacious male in Ohio, would become a rapist in the border country. A person who stole candy in a store would become a robber. A person who would quarrel would become a murderer.
In the magnus opus of the Lame Cherry exclusives, this blog in matter anti matter studies now a new reality in the urban wilderness is actually the place of lawlessness as for psychological reasons, the human being compacted into city states of millions of people, suddenly becomes a worse form of savage in this uncivilized environment.
No one has ever studied this or correlated this until now. Throughout history, the ascendency of the city state within the nation state has been the progrenitor of a savagery that is amplified when absolute control expounds itself on the inhabitants in taking away responsible liberty and replacing it with irresponsible license.
The tracks of this from Nimrod at Ninevah to Jezebel at Samaria to Nero at Rome to Obama in the United States performs at itself a sort of Lord of the Flies when little British boys turned beasty in shoving pointy sticks up hog's asses, as they worshiped the hog head covered with blow flies as they hunted their own little boys in the pack.
Humans appear to be capable of readily forming governments in wilderness areas and do so by action as America proved. They join in agrarian isolated ventures to trappers becoming partners. They are attune in a symbiotic nature with forestry, hunter, trapper, fisher, farmer and rancher with the mercantile sectors in these same cities, and all form a thriving enterprise of morality and the common good.
In 21st century America though, as is the case in numbering parts of the world, a complete breakdown of order has taken place, and as the people become more burdened by new laws restricting all they do, the more they act out in predatory fashion on each other.
This is true from the Islamic hosts to the hosts in New York.
Evidence of this is interesting in the 1970's a test was shown that rats placed in too close of contact in large numbers became homosexual in nature.
I will repeat that for those who think homosexuals are born that way. Rats prove just as is proving around the globe, that close contact of humans produces a nature of animalistic nature that throws off normalcy and creates a nature whereby the higher designs are removed in front lobe thought to one of brain stem activity in pleasure and pain, sleep and eating.
This Urban Wilderness in many ways mirrors the way a wolf pack when overpopulated in a region will kill all animals in savage fury, not for food, but for unleashing the frustration of being compacted together.
These wolves, and it is has been studied in primate chimpanzee of the animal species, will actually begin hunting their own and consuming them in cannibalism, until sufficient numbers are slaughtered that the fury of the close contact is ended, and then normalcy once agains begins to flourish.
One can term this an Urban Insanity, that only appears when like forces combine of people not having normal outlets in having to focus upon survival in housing, heat, food etc... are allowed then to rage in pleasures which do not please due to brain chemical responses and then a self destruction begins.
Note this in the start of this the person from civiliation entering the borderlands with sociological problems would be a minority of 1 in a thousand, and begin acting out, until a lynch mob remedied the criminal misbehavior. In the urban wilderness though, the mob becomes the 1000 savages and the minority becomes the 1 person who is not abnormal in behavior.
A classic example of this is Sodom, where Lot resided in the recorded events in when Angels came who were new to Sodom, the entire population of the city started beating down Lot's door to rape these new persons for a thrill.
Lot even offering to hand over his two virginal daughters to rape, was rejected by the mob, as it was not profane enough.
The Urban Wilderness is a modern American feature, where the peoples of the rural areas literally being less compacted are the ones who are the moral features who are bruised by the city states like New York for not being profane enough. The rural peoples are the Lot's locked into their domiciles while the Bloomberg led mobs by Obama beat on the doors looking for who they can gang rape.
This blog warned of this in the poltiical gang rape of Sarah Palin, in how it became a sadistic sport to destroy people as herself. This took place in Egypt with the gang rape of Lara Logan. This takes place all through the world with Hosni Mubarak in a cage, Col. Khadaffi dragged through the streets and then murdered, to Sheik bin Laden's children being left to crawl around in dead bodies and blood as people like Mark Levin cheered.
There is such fury in these urbanites that they are predators in unleashing how much savagery they can generate as they are all so jacked up emotionally in being locked into these super city state mazes with no outlets for the confinement of their spirits.
Realize this, the more laws which are passed to make sex available, drugs available, more food, shelter, income handed out, only heightens the violent reaction in these people as they are the border mob now, not of individuals but of thousands.
It is not one evil heart, but hundreds of thousands of evil souls melding to a frenzy that will not be satiated by anything carnal, and it requires this constant ejaculation by mass rape followed by daily murders to pacify this seizure which convulses through these cities as police are ordered to manage this assylum, so the rulers behind the gates can continue on dictating even more draconian mandates to keep order in a zoo that has no cages or bars, but is one mass feeding frenzy.
In reality, there is no cure for this except the destruction of the city state. "Go West Young Man" was a solution, but there is no more west left. No space colonies have been promoted to give home to these masses to unwind their coil spring, so all that is left is this self predation blamed on guns, as more sadism is unleashed in destroying marriage to give the mob something new to murder and rape to try and appease it.
What history shows is the solution time in again, in these super states collapse from within, and then another group who has protected itself in not being concentrated to the extent of confinement, but confining animal reactions in a martial state arises and invades the said lands, and rapes, plunders, enslaves and murders the offending savages in a mutual destruction of suicide and aborticide, whereby the survivors in remnant begin the generations to rebuild a people once great.
Some states like Egypt never do attain any glory, and in reality, Assyria, Babylon, China, Persia, Greece and Rome, once they fell, never have arisen again, but were part of some new entity.
America is now a savage race in the majority city super state and it is becoming more savage. Mr. Obama Chin in his 3rd world manifestations of incivility is the host of this last phases of carnality to all as all debauchery is defined legal.
Unless the mob awakens to destroy it's tormentors in the leviathan apparatus called "government" which is nothing but a feudal rule of them, giving them more ways to murder themselves, the mob will be destroyed in the millions as history proves.
That is the reality of the Urban Wilderness of America. It's ending is on the horizon as it is in it's death throws like a shark gutted and swimming around eating it's own intestines over and over in the blood frenzy of feeding.
Another Lame Cherry magnus opus of matter anti matter exclusives.