Friday, June 21, 2013

Cherry's List

What popular girl would not this kind of yum yum posting messages to them. All women, fathers and husbands, just relish a lady's man like this to be trying to hook up with their loved one.

As Craig's List does not seem to have a place for such yummies, perhaps there should be a Cherry's List for such a beef cake. Would save Homeland and the Vulcan friends the effort of tagging ISP's and other such things which are just over a girls head.

61 year old wife beater, looking for young bitch number 4, as have beat first 3 previous wives who divorced him.

173 lbs. bald, grey on the sides, no facial hair.

Brown hair and all white man, a lady's man, as women just all want this ugly male with indigestion.

Born in Missouri, raised in Kansas, true Vietnam warrior who picked up some oriental on the tab and brought her to the states as wife one, and knocked her up six times.
Five children hate him and six children who will have nothing to do with him.

Five years in military until discharged without honors as liking dope a bit too much.
Enjoys weed, acid and coke, with beer and vodka on a diabetic diet pill cure.

Beats women, so three wives. First was Vietnamese, traded in for a younger Vietnamese, and traded finally for a white wife, who divorced the lady's man too.

Uses expanded vocabulary to attempt to make people think he is intelligent. No college, but various jobs, before UPS was a career, fired from that and now lives on unemployment.

Left Oklahoma, and now is in a travel trailer park existing the good life in a motorhome.

Likes football, and that means Sooners and the KC Chiefs.

Does not attend Baptist church regular, but does hire young prostitutes who are Asians.

Beats people over the head with being a Baptist. Not a scholar, but thinks he is morally superior.

He is of course as bright as Rush Limbaugh. So much so, the lady's man ventured to the Cape and stalked Elton Blonde.

Libertarian and large Ron Paul supporter, but does have all his teeth in this gift horse in the mouth.

Owns 30 firearms, all in the motorhome.

Likes country music and southeast Kansas is looking out his backdoor for the summer. No travel plans as everyone of course would flock to him due to his stunning commentary on the internet.

Collects additional income in stealing from family, friends and former employers.

Felony arrest for narcotics, but that only adds to they mystery of the lady's man.

Yes the Cherry List must assist such sexy sexies to feature their personal attractiveness to all women and sodomite males, as this kind of lovin' needs to be spread around, and the Vulcans of the Prism Planet just naturally have all that information looking to share it, especially to the Negroid Vaseline Vacationers at prisons.

What was it, Kurt Russell said in Tombstone to Ike Clanton?

Run you cur. You tell 'em hell is coming and this time it is wearing a badge.

agtG 244

Tombstone - You tell 'em I'm comin'... - YouTube
Mar 2, 2008 - Uploaded by franklindelanobluth
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