Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hotter than hell and a Jinn in the Oval O

Mr. Drudge are you cleverly hinting that there is a Jinn in the House?

You certainly are in Mockingbird hinting at the coming civil war being staged for America.


10,000 re-enact ferocious Gettysburg battle...

States still feuding...

Then again Mrs. Palin, just donate to the blog. It will make you feel better.

Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party...

It is not that hard Sarah. You just point your mouse at the DONATE button, and it opens a page where with some diligence, you can overcome the windage of Homeland, and lay some heavy cash on me, so I could afford Chick Fillet.....and of course a Dr. Pepper in a 44 size.

Dear Sarah, without the Holy Ghost doing the Inspiring for you, you really are boring.

OK more exposure of why your stupid ideas need to be vetted by the Holy Ghost through me, so you do not look stupid, as no one cares if you leave the GOP as I thought you left it months ago. Don't know if you got senility from eating too much lead in your moose.

Where was I?

Oh yes spanking you again in exposing you as a fool without God since you went down to Sodom and have prostituted yourself as a minder for the Tea Party.

Sarah, you should have announced, "Sarah Palin announces she is going down the right path as the Republican leadership has LEFT the party".

No really that hard or difficult Sarah. Just takes being on God's side and not expecting to haul God to your side and have Him make adulterous things righteous.

Yes even Matt Drudge now knows that Elvis Chin has left the building and an imposter is Jinn is singing, Love me Cruel.

Oh and Sarah, when the real Sarah Palin shows up, could you tell her that like Nebuchadnezzar learned while munching on hay, that one should listen to the Prophets whom God has in Babylon as it is not about you, but about messiahs and jinns in the DNC and the GOP leaving you did.

Yes America hotter than hell.

