Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Server Not Found

Another day in the brier patch taking all the fire so all the rich people can keep their money and all the smart people can look intelligent quoting this blog in exclusive matter anti matter.

Of course, the psyops run against this blog are terror acts beyond even what Edward Snowden has revealed on his mission. This illegal activity by the regime takes place non stop. Servers which are there, suddenly disappear when I attempt to visit them.
Literally two examples of Google and Microsoft, the two largest print generators in server capacity on the internet, and suddenly when I try to find them, they are gone........disappeared like Birther Obama and Birther Obama's mole.

I can ignore all of this, because terrorist lurkers behind computer screens do not bother me nor does this type of stalking and intimidation......threats on my person do not bother me as I would be dead before I hit the ground and this would all be over in an Andrew Breitbart moment.
What does bother me though are the tourists who are so head up the ass in acting like they make a difference in "being informed" or in joining some Tea Party thing or running a talk show, that in all their money, they see not just a need here on this blog, but in 90 million Americans, and these people do nothing.

I know there are readers out there who have not donated who would like to donate in the hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars category. The problem is through inquiry that satan and demons scare these people and make then afraid to donate. Fear is what generates in them and I pray for satan being bound and that love, bravery and joy overcome that fear for no regrets in the big donation.

I do not have angst at these people who are afraid as when one has everything, you do forget what it is like to not have money for things, because one is secure in having money in those amounts. I have posted here and it is a reality in it is easy to be Christian when you are a millionaire, as people smile at you in Church, people always open doors as you have the nice clothes, nice cars and word spreads that you are the one with the big bank account......so the dentist always fits you in, the police always let you slip by in speeding and the politicians always want to listen to your "concerns".
That kind of high walls always in the naked king without clothes is something that one forgets soon like the melting snow how bad things were and can be on the other side of spring.

It frustrates me in 1870 America, as Billy Dixon said, "Money was everywhere and it was to be had if a person worked". In 1950's America was around too, in the same reasoning in the powers figured out that dumping money on the hordes who had been trained for war, would pacify them from a revolution.

After all, the busts would take place and strip all of these hardworking people of the money they thought they had earned.

Money now is to be had by the welfare sloven who will not  rise up to revolt from being made a slave and money is to be had now by Geithner money dumps on Wall Street to protect the rich in their ivory tower gulags from revolution.

For the insane reason of delusion, the rich like Mark Levin think he is not going to the holocaust and Sharyl Attkinson even after her computers are wired, she still thinks she is part of the protected.
America is being replaced with Mexican slaves and with an elite corp who have artificial intelligence to manage all of this.

I will post this again so it soaks in, another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive which will probably show up in code on Alex Jones or whatever again.

The Afroid does not work efficiently, while the poor white does, but the poor white fights. The Mexican is the slave solution.
For the "rich" who think they are protected in having money, the corp group has built and is finishing a mechanism which can monitor everyone, communicate to everyone and police the state ......ALL WITH A CORE GROUP.

You have to get this, that a Mosquito Drone with serin, in a swarm of a million can manage and exterminate the mob without one gun while the mob is armed. The military is no longer necessary as a police state can be managed by a few people behind computers and a few workers managing the computers building all of this.

A literal group of a few cartel feudal families, can literally manage entire nations. They do not need rich people nor do they require a working class. The robotics and computers are the revolution like the industrial revolution. All that is necessary now is a livestock class of Mexicans to grow some food, an Asian intelligent group to build technical things, and basically a 1000 people running the computers for the aristocrats who rule.

I can not make people see the obvious, nor can I convince them that this blog is the only source exposing any of this as all the others are stuck in the last cycle built upon Dr. John Coleman's work decades ago.
I will no longer build ClearVision, even if had the donations as it would not be prudent. I'm simply trying to survive with TL now. I can not do this blog and what else is required. This does not fall on the poor or guilt for a hundred dollar donation so you do not end up in the Book of Judgment. This falls on those who are pretending they are players in this and think this is a game for sensational headlines for glamour.

An American now is being hounded across the globe with an assassination sentence on his head, for being a tool to expose parts of this in Edward Snowden.
Snowden's crime is he told the world what Congress people used to tell the world or the New York Times told the world in leaks.

I am tired of this burden. You people are going to die. Your money is not going to save you no more than your military or guns.You will not be buried and none will mourn over you.
This is the generation and all are fools in the gods they trust and they persecute the Prophet for being mad.

The Monkees: Last Train To Clarksville, 1967 - YouTube

Jun 14, 2010 - Uploaded by ChuckSchoon1213
The Monkees: Last Train To Clarksville, 1967 ...

Go play in the streets children with your pretty toys as your money makes you safe from traffic and you are far too intelligent to be run over.


Lame Cherry

37 secs ago – I will post this again so it soaks in, another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive which will probably show up in code on Alex Jones or ...

Of all the things in a post for Baby and the apes to highlight in what they know.
Thanks Baby for focusing on that. I enjoyed the laugh. Nice you are still around in the ether.