Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The King's Bolton

Is there a trust to disarm all Americans to save a few more lives, as that is more important than liberty?

Can not this be projected out to, surely the regime can spy upon Americans who are innocent in making America a complete gulag of slaves, for the good that a few more lives have been saved in terror events stopped........but at what cost to liberty?

The intelligence whistleblower, Edward Snowden has now been openly discussed by intelligence officials to murder him.........without trial, without charge, without hearing.

The reality of this comes to the forefront when one tunes into the American oil industrial heartland of North Dakota, in the once praised Scott Hennen, Mark the Freedom Poet and a Steve Bachman, who in chorusful union termed Mr. Snowden a traitor, and the Freedom Poet, judged that if Snowden went to Iceland, then in insulting Iceland as two icebergs as they are no power, it would be permissible, but if Snowden went to Russia, then of course it exposed his true colors in being a red.

I will state again, that there are things called Drones murdering Americans without trial or hearing. Communist China and Putin's Russia are the only places on earth someone exposing the tyranny in America would be able to go to not be murdered. It was why Sheik bin Laden was taking treatment in Xianxang China for years, as Bush43 did not dare strike inside a nuclear China with 100,000,000 armed soldiers.

John Bolton, has judged Snowden on this issue too, in deeming him the worst kind of traitor.

It would seem that those cartel operatives who have destroyed the Constitution in spying on innocent Americans and those who decide  that Andrew Breitbart should be murdered as he has information which would bring down the Obama regime, are not a problem in this, and they in destroying the United States Constittution are not the problem that Edward Snowden is exposing.

It would seem that an entire blackmailing and corrupt system in treason of the United States Constitution, from the 4th Estate like Mark Levin in keeping a foreign agent in one Barry Hussein Obama Chin, from blackmailing John Roberts to mandate Obamacare to the absent FBI in investigating Sandy Hook, Boston Blow Jobs, Chris Dorner, Hutatree set ups etc.... are not the problem in the least in destroying the United States Constitution in keeping Birther installed at 1600 Penn Avenue by election theft, that they are not the problem, but Edward Snowden exposing this is the treasonous problem.

The reality is, Americans are having a genocidal war waged against them. It started under Woodrow Wilson socialism. graduated to FDR communism, degraded under Eisenhowers national socialist state and by increments of LBJ to the now Marxist Barack Hussein Obama, have set upon a path of murdering Americans by poisons injected, ingested and incubated in them in the food, water, air and life supply.
America is a disease to be treated to death as it is bled to death by every conceivable rapine from European bailouts to education debt to mortgage debt to the economic rape of energy prices in a world overflowing with oil.

What is being put on display is the John Boltons and the Scott Hennens both up Karl  Rove's arse are the Tory feudalists of 1776. They said nothing when the Men in the Clergy were murdered by the English just as Andrew Breitbart and a host of others have been in America by this feudal regime.
Yes for a Hennen and Bolton, it is the people are the threat, and not the regime and those industrial forces funding their lavish lifestyles which are not the problem.

Follow this in Hennen was a Tea Party conduit to be praised, but in bed with Karl Rove. Hennen was booted from North Dakota radio by former doper who was then booted. Hennen then "raised funds" to buy out not only the radio station syndicate in Fargo, but now has the money by miracle to by the Bismark blow torch.
Hennen now in attacking Edward Snowden is leaving a record which is most interesting in his excuses for "big oil" rapine in North Dakota in it is the people's fault for accidents in North Dakota and not the oil truckers.
It is the people's fault, so there needs to me more laws passed about drunk drivers. It is the people's fault so more needs to be done on motorcycle helmets. It is the people's fault so more animal rights laws need to be passed. It is the people's fault for wanting jobs, so all of those illegal Mexicans should be imported all the more as people not wanting to pay for Mexicans are deemed "racists".............

Yes is it not amazing that this tool of whoever now, suddenly is like John Bolton judging someone who exposed the very things that Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry did, is now sounding exactly for the exact same things that a Marxist like Obama implements by decree.

So the mantra of the Bolton conglomerate backed feudalists is exactly that of Barack Hussein Obama in his drone murder spree, that "terror events stopped is more important than liberty and justice". More important than LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

What happens in a terror event? Really what takes place?

A large event might crop 3000 urban dwellers who vote for feudalism and press for more slavery of people for their bank account protection.

Bill Clinton deemed so many Americans dead as acceptable before George W. Bush came along.
Currently ten to twenty times the number of Americans are being murdered compared to Bill Clinton's acceptable levels of 100 dead per year. While Clinton was wrong, the fact is in feudalism, Bill Clinton camel bombing was a great deal more safe than Barack Hussein Obama's managing al Qaeda from 1600 Penn Avenue.

Yes under Bill Clinton 500 Americans would be dead in five years. Under B. Hussein Obama, one has dead children at Sandy Hook and in Boston from wag the dog events, along with thousands of Americans dead in uniforms. So which policy is the more astute and which policy with even more draconian destruction of the US Constitution, now using drones to murder Americans is the one that resembles something out of Moscow or Peking.

Is it not TELLING, that like Americans had to flee to the Netherlands and France to get away from the British murder machine in 1776, that an Edward Snowden has to flee to Peking and Moscow to get away from a Birther Obama murder machine, with John Bolton and these tories embedded in the "right" backing the very Orwellian things that are causing all of the murder in this world.

America was founded in exploitation of  trade, resources and getting the hell out of other nation's businesses. America was founded on responsible liberty, moral life and the pursuit of ideals to fulfill you while not trespassing on the rights of others.
The world is crumbled and in the cauldron of the Obama Abyss, and it is pure treachery for the John Bolton's of this age to back the terminal cancer murdering the world all for the sake of the placebo that..........sacrificing liberty because we are told terror events were stopped........when no one is sounding save this blog about the problems at Sandy Hook and all of these other Boston like events, is the treason in all of this.

The latest victim of this assassination machine was Michele Bachmann in her being forced out. Yes her being offered up for sacrifice is just quite alright with the male Bolton and Hennen who are parrots of this feudal state imprisoning the world.

Let us join with Ronald Reagan in a new Lame Cherry addition quote, as this blog is the only one worth quoting now:

The people are not the problem. The government is the problem, and, those minders who back the regime are the traitors.

Lame Cherry

There would not be terrorists unless the feudal conglomerates were educating and arming Muslims to turn them into Militant Islam terrorists to utilize them herd the free peoples into the gulags where they can be controlled by being made criminals of their own laws..

 What is it 5  trillion dollars in bailouts and terror wars? Did you get richer? Who did?

Terrorists, dope lords, weapons dealers, oil barons and Wall Street tycoons.......who donate money to Obama elections and fund the mic heads on the right and left.

But yes, Edward Snowden is the problem in this intelligence operation.....let us focus on HIM and not the criminals in the Obama regime he has exposed.

Oh yes the new talking points on the right handed out.....to save Obama again.

Who are the real  traitors?

Let's sing, or maybe we can all be distracted by sports as Hennen runs that now in brain deadening the Midwest daily as "political news".

First Class - Beach Baby (1974) HQ - YouTube

Sep 19, 2009 - Uploaded by Bertha0815007
First Class - Beach Baby, a hit in 1974. The song was produced with singer Tony Burrows, but he didn't ...

nuff said
