Friday, July 19, 2013

ANALGATE: The August Surprise

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

Kremlin media, via Pravda, provided absolute confirmation of the exclusives of this blog concerning ANALGATE in the autumn of 2012 with the murder of Chris Stevens and other Americans, and how the entire Libyan expedition was linked to the entire lower gut of excrement of the Obama regime in their running terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue, and how Libya was only a part of the Roman Empire re established to be managed in the Mideast by the Islamocommunist Caliph.

The entire situation in Syria is now ramping up to an August Surprise. The Turks who were involved in this as was exclusively reported here, now have established CIA bases running terrorists into Syria.
All of this links to the "coup attempt" against the King Abdullah of Jordan to "convince him" to be an operational conduit for coming cartel restructuring of the world.

What has been taking place is the Obama regime after being outed in arming terrorists and training them, had to embark upon a new machination in having the Saudi's and Qatari's produce the funding with sources in Kuwait, with the arms flow being lost in the mix.

President Vladamir Putin has stood against all of this, as Obama promised flexibility in making America a vassal state to the Europeans. It is the Russian sources along with western sources, have confirmed that the Obama regime has been involved in genocide in Syria.

The CIA has been repeatedly smuggling weapons to the Syrian rebels. This operation is part of a secret plan approved personally by Barack Obama. In Jordan, secret U.S. warehouses are located from which weapons are sent off to their destination. Then they are distributed to small groups of Syrian rebels, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Yes, the Wall Street Journal now confirming what was published here almost a year ago as to what was being engaged in by the regime against the Syrian government.

What is bridging the gap to the mass murder of the Assad government, is a push in August to unleash the blood flow in Syria. That is a pivotal  time for world history, including the Jews.

One must take into account that Iranian fighters are on scene. One must take into account the Russian battle fleet is in the ports. One must take into account that Bashir Assad will make a WMD fight of it, as he has already been pushed to that in the Obama fighters were using chemical weapons.

Syria is a cover as has been stated here for other grand operations.

Some forces will to have this a stepping board to Chechnya. Some want Iran. Some want Syria eliminated so Turkey and Saudi Arabia will rule. Some would appreciate an exchange where perhaps a Dome might be removed for a coming attraction. Some might appreciate a WMD exchange on their border of Europe to cement together a new European leadership.......allot of some people are very proactive in the benefits of murdering the children of Syria.

It is a fact that August is being generated for a new push against Syria. This means more dead people as the feudal powers divide the land.  All sorts of bad things will generate from this. I will not go into details, but the balance of Syria hangs a date which I have eluded to here.

I repeat, Syria is a cover for something else being initiated. For all it will bring, I pray and hope that this is it, as it has been too long of a wait.

agtG 231y