Saturday, July 20, 2013

Babylon Sin

Hear the Word of the Lord my children in another matter anti matter exclusive.

Behold, it will be duality as in the days of your kindred tongue in your father's God, the Triune God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will bring forth from the stump a thing cut down from the forest of history before.

As in the days of the Prophet Jeremiah, so will be the coming days when the Lord and His Christ do a thing before your very eyes and yet already you are blind and do not see. You are captive, led away captive in your own lands, you children of Israel. You Americans in Joseph do not see, no more than the Anglo Saxon of the Isles, no more than Reuben of France. You are sold into slavery by your foreign masters. You are frosted in hair and joint of ice which aches and yet you still say you are young and free.

Babylon has you as you were sold in your sin by your God for your sins, for your sins are heaped higher than Samaria, Sodom, Philistinia, Ninevah, Tyre and Judah combined. You are evil and call yourselves good. You have a whore's head and can not be told for your indulgences have made you drunk in a stupor upon a brothel bed. Yes a whore has one bed to defile, but you have found many beds and where there were not beds you laid upon the thorns and adders to prostitute yourselves, when your forefathers in America, told you never to join in treaties, take honors of kings nor to be entangled in foreign wars.

Your debt has risen to heaven, and still you search for one more perversity to sell.

Behold the days comes, that arise again from the mysts of your pasts, that when you were Samaria, and the Assyrian was young, and when you were Judah and Babylon was a youth, that as you have been made a slave in your own land, a stranger where foreigners now imported replace you and enjoy the work of your hands, that upon your skirts these Assyrians and Babylonians traveled in exile too, into Asia and into Europe, taking the lands you were pushed out of in Scythia to Germani, that they have come again to your bed in your legs held wide open, and you have defiled yourselves again and now the supplanters of Mid Asia have become the masters of central Europe and finally in the Birther, they own you.

The Axis of old has returned and will rise to be your master as they own you in your debt of finance and debts of sin. You are adulterers, worse than a whorish nation, for you have sold your Husband's blessings to the hands of the whoremongers of Berlin and Rome.

They have their whore in the Vatican, and she rides upon this beast whom you fornicate with. Your Husband in Heaven has divorced you from the New Covenant, so when the Christ comes, He will redeem the remnant of His Bride who remain unsullied and true to Him.

Behold the days come, and it will not be a generation, for this is the generation, when all will be fulfilled that the German of Assyria and the Roman of Babylon, will be wed in an anti Christ religion to rule the world. They will bring false peace, and there will arise again a Persian who will be as Cyrus as a battle axe in the hand of the Lord, joining with the Russ of Moscow.

This mahdi will arise of the Lord, to do the Lord's Will to make an end of the daughter of Babylon.

As were the days that Babylon burned with lust and was heated in carnal intoxication of her whoredoms, so will be the time when Europe burns in passions, as the Muslim joins the Russian, to set afire a scorched earth of branding the whore's land with a mark in the howling of dogs and the haunt of owls.

Listen, the growl of the hordes driving, marching. They do not stop. There lies the eastern lands in scorched earth as the central lands of Europe are sacrificed in the orgy of the slaughter to bathe the land in the blood of waters run red.

From you, elder son of Joseph, from you, will there in your captivity be laid a stripe upon the European whore to turn her into a corpse, laying lewd and naked, uncovered of her forest cloth and in ashes laid with her invading hordes, all rotting in a feast of bird and maggot.

Then will it come, then will come the end. The gathering of them for the feast, the feast of the fowls upon that place where Gilboa broods in watch for the recompense of the heathen.

The Lord rises up, for His remnant. That which is led captive will be made captive. That which lives by the weapon will die by the weapon. First at the gates of Babylon will the stroke be made to cripple the world and then upon the threshold of Jerusalem will the strike be made to execute the world for their Babylon sin.

agtG 222