Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Other List

There is a movie which will never be made, as it is not something Hollywood would have stomach for, as everyone knows Asians are just funny Jackie Chan men who kick things and the Geisha whores who have only one use by all housed in that sinister brainy Asian culture.

It is an interesting thing that Steven Spielberg would invest a great deal like Ashkenaz Hollowood.....yes Hollowood, in the story of the German Schindler in running Jewish work camps in saving Jews, but there was a far greater story in the saving of refugee Jews in the east which is ignored, as it comes under the non western names of Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara, of Japan.

Consul General Sempo Sugihara was a husband and father, who held the post of ambassadorship in Lithiutanna, another one of those ignored situations that just does not fit into the glamorous side of history. What took place there would be an event that would save 40,000 refugees and this man with his family did it not out of guilt, nor political motives, but simply because it was the right thing to do.

Mr. Sugihara arrived at his post in March of 1939 and by September was greeted with the Nazi invasion and soon partition of Poland by the Soviets with Adolf Hitler. A multitude of refugees from Poland were soon flowing into Lithuania in Jews running for their lives. They though were trapped as on one side was the Nazi regime and on the other, it was Stalins regime.

Into this the Consul General stepped with an idea, after all diplomats were ordered to evacuate the former nation now annexed by the Kremlin, that involved the only other remaining diplomat from the Dutch in Jan Zwartendijk.

For twenty nine days in July and August Chiune Sugihara worked feverishly, on his plan to save these Polish Jewish refugees, as the Germans were advancing and the Soviets had ordered everyone out.

What the plan entailed was these refugees were to be sent to Curacao and Dutch Guyana. The Soviet officials were sympathetic to this plan, and would allow transit permission for the refugees through Moscow and into Siberia, but it would be required in this another permission grant in passing through Imperial Japan, and that is where the problem started.

The Consul General telegraphed Imperial Japan three times, and each time he received this mandate:



The Government of Japan was not going to afford exit through Japan for the refugees, which meant these people were all doomed.

It was then that the Sugihara family put their lives on the line, in the Consul General being cemented in duty and honor, chose to violate the orders of his Government and started by hand, signing all the exit visa travel permission letters with his wife.

Chiune Sugihara would sign permission to travel papers from the window of his train as he was forced to leave, and then handed the official stamp for travel permits to a Jewish refugee who forged more documents to get more refugees out of Lithuania in saving them.

For this Consul General Sugihara would be later relieved of his duties by the government and spend the rest of his life working in business.

Before his death in 1986, he would be recognized by a grateful Jewish people for his and his family's sacrifice in saving so many lives of Jewish refugees.

Yes one of the most amazing stories in history, more drama than anything Schindler's List could invent, and for Hollowood the true story of one man, who was not running an industry for Nazi's and became guilt ridden, simply did what was right in rescuing people when no one else would.

I do not know if any Jews ever showed any appreciation for this Japanese man and his family in helping them out as the case always seems to be that when a need is warranted a man becomes a god and when the need is filled the man becomes a dog, but this is a forgotten piece of history which should never be forgotten, for here was a man whose nation was at war with America, and it was FDR who knew of the refugee plight and did nothing in all his powers.

Racism against Asians is something which is a heinous thing, as much as racism against white people, as white people are successful and the Asian is intelligent, so hammering them is just a way of leveling the field.

Schindler was a movie to put the stamp of guilt upon the Germans one more time for what National Socialists did in response to the European elite in communists who were calling for the genocide of Germans before the war.
Sugihara is not a movie, as he had no guilt even if his government was guilty of horrendous things in the Pacific, so in there being no way to blame the stereotypes, his movie would never be made.

Yes a blameless Japanese man, saved thousands of people, but there is no story in that, as a person just being good in being an Asian has no value to the elite who market the propaganda.

Yukiko Sugihara put even more on the line in feudal Japan society as a wife and mother in her assistance and she bore the loss of the job when her husbands was fired.

It is a shocking thing in Americans Heroes like Charles Lindbergh was destroyed by FDR in being against the war. Shocking things like other despots destroying their own in Japan for doing what is right.

Yes all shocking there are good Asians, good Christians and good Americans, who did not bow to the despotic mandates and were destroyed as thoroughly as the Jews who are being made money off of in being sold by the same money changers to the Nazis.

No movies about that though, unless it is Mel Gibson, and you see what the elite did to him for daring to show Jesus as Savior of the world.

nuff said
