Baltimore Witness: Group of Blacks Beat Hispanic Man, Yelling 'This Is For Trayvon'...
White jogger beaten...
Protesters storm WALMART...
Soul singer attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon...
'You m—–f——, you started this!'
VIDEO: CBS Reporter, Photographer Attacked...
LAPD vows crackdown...
Zimmerman's Parents in Hiding from 'Enormous Amount of Death Threats'...
Chicago Church Marquee: 'It Is Safe To Kill BLACK PEOPLE In Amerikkka'...
Verdict unleashed pent up rage...
NUGENT: Vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense...
Maya Angelou: 'What is really injured is psyche of our national population'...
Prosecutor Excused Potential Black Juror for Being a FOXNEWS Watcher...
Zimmerman Family Suspects Obama Tapping Their Phones...
Baltimore Witness: Group of Blacks Beat Hispanic Man, Yelling 'This Is For Trayvon'...
White jogger beaten...
Protesters storm WALMART...
Soul singer attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon...
'You m—–f——, you started this!'
VIDEO: CBS Reporter, Photographer Attacked...
LAPD vows crackdown...
Zimmerman's Parents in Hiding from 'Enormous Amount of Death Threats'...
Chicago Church Marquee: 'It Is Safe To Kill BLACK PEOPLE In Amerikkka'...
Verdict unleashed pent up rage...
NUGENT: Vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense...
Maya Angelou: 'What is really injured is psyche of our national population'...
Prosecutor Excused Potential Black Juror for Being a FOXNEWS Watcher...
Zimmerman Family Suspects Obama Tapping Their Phones...

Yes now that we know the worst thing in the world is a gay man, this blog calls for national protection for the Fang Jinn impersonating Birther Hussein Obama, as Mr. Fang Jinn, is impersonating someone who has a history of feces penis scents, a history of white males sucking his penis and there is that Kenyan boy thing which went on in the White House before Barry Chin went tits up.
(Can not America afford to pay a sock matcher for HW Bush as his clown socks do not even match!!!!!)
I digress....
I would though like to point out that as Reptilian type George H. W. Bush has now been in a wheelchair with matching clown socks praised by the Jinn of the Oval O, AKA Fang Jinn, we now see further proof that the Bush family in selling their souls have found kindred spirit in the Jinn of 1600 Penn Avenue.......both serving the same master.
Where was I?
Yes, Al Sharpton is calling for prayer vigils and this blog joins with Al Sharpton to have some calm in this, as other blacks are now stating it is open season on blacks, and Hispanics are being beaten to death for Hoodie Martin.
Let us not forget any of this, that this blog first stated that race riots in America were a good thing, to bring prosperity, so can we not all just take an Al Sharpton moment in waiting for this weekend, before all of this takes place?
I mean by this, that if it is open season on blacks, then should not the Afroid have a bounty placed on their heads funded by Tim Geithner via Fang Jinn? Look at the money which could be generated in this and how much this would help the inner city ghetto for earnings to the poor there.
And let us not forget the Mexican being beaten. Let us wait a few days, so they can all be armed with machetes and things....time as this blog noted for the Asian entrepeneur to come on the scene and pick up all that valuable steel and sell it to China. Once again more money for the inner city poor.
We just have time for the white joggers to be armed also with more than their good looks. By this weekend white folks will be able to be carrying firearms, and hose down numbers of blacks. By this time, Harry Reid could pass a law which would not pay for the shooting of bounty on Afroids, but it would allow for a tax deduction which again would assist the Birther Obama recovery we all desire.
Let us not wait for the 2014 elections in the Eric Holder high stakes federal lynching of George the evil gay child molester Zimmerman, but instead give the Obama regime a real recovery based upon race riots that democrats can run on.
This entire Hoodie Martin in the Niggazi has been handled wrong from the start. Only people who made money was Mum Hoodie on selling her dead boy. That helped no one and Al Sharpton never did get to do anything really which would let the light of him shine as it always does.
No I say let us wait. Let us send out Rev. Jesse Jackson to make trial by peers of Trayvon shakedown of Skittles, Lipton Ice Tea and other corporations in that Rainbow Coalition gays though as we now see that George Zimmerman was probably up to pedophile things before they were legal in he was really trying to get Trayvon Martin to marry him...or propose and Martin just got it all wrong.
If it would have been Barack Obama, well Obama would have had Zimmerman snorting coke off his thighs and it would have been wedded bliss and not all this Eric Holder stuff in race riots, which is typical for a Marxist Feudalist like Holder in he has all the money, and does not want to share it with the mob in making bounties on blacks and have the orientals pick up metal knives to sell to China.
I realize that Rush Limbaugh is probably going to have some kind of gay wedding concert and pay Elton John a million dollars again to croon about things and for Sean Hannity to gush over, as he certainly has not paid his 11 million dollars to this blog he owes, so he can afford to ....well pimp Zimmerman for his radio EIB show, but I say, let us spread the wealth around in this in just putting this off like Al Sharpton said for the weekend.
That is the problem in this...the Afroids need more Al Sharptons to plan things out as all of this just is not going well in backfiring on blacks in .........Florida is now to be a real allure in Stevie Wonder and all blacks are going to boycott that state.
Who knows, next thing we will hear Danny Glover telling all the blacks to pack up and go back to Africa to protest what happened to Trayvon Martin.......
Just would have been so much easier when the messiah was in the White House if he just would have raised Trayvon from the dead.
Yes no one riots when Birther Hussein Obama stole 2 Presidential elections, but finding one Hispanic not guilty for being innocent is something to get worked up over.