Friday, August 2, 2013

Mr. Dutch Reagan

I am very proud of some people in their humbleness, as they are everything the reflection of God in who they should be. It is refreshing to listen to them and to get a glimpse into their lives they do share.
Sometimes it is difficult to answer someone with questions when they do not want the publicity, but in terms like this post, I will touch on things which all should know, and will answer things in a personal way which is appreciated as we all are "too sexy for my Putin".

I have an affection for the people of Indochina and the China Sea area. Without giving away personal contacts, one of my favorite people in this world is a Filipino lady who is one of the most interesting people, intelligent and best conversationalist I have ever met. She came to America as an immigrant and has built a life here through hard work. I admire her greatly and met her through TL.
This is the source of the Chicken Adobo, and it touches upon many things in being a Baptist and things of the rapture.

It is difficult for me most days in posting things here or in communicating with TL online as I have so much regime interference now that dial up dinosaur is really slow with that much company. So I have to resort in ways of coping while the majority of readers have high speed internet and never comprehend that it takes 10 minutes for me to load pages.
So for time outs and things, I have a program called Jarte, which is a small version of Word that does not sap resources. I have an old version I saved to disc in 2.5 as the newer version I do not like on my laptop, but it is how I gather my thoughts and then copy and post things often here and in messages as it is all too frustrating.
It is a miracle world to sit in the library on high speed and just watch a 90 meg download for Hatcher's Notebook take 11 minutes when it would take me 50 hours on a land line.

For posting so the net does not zap me, I handle things that way, along with I play games against the computer in chess, hearts, free cell. I have looked for a long time to find a free version of Spades, as I like that better, but never have found one. I occupy my time as I do fidget a great deal in my mind is 100 miles down the road, and I detest wasted time in sitting around waiting for things to load.

I have written of the rapture several  time, a gentleman from Nevada asked me about this earlier this year concerning his Mom, as she was invested in that. That belief always troubles me, because it was created by people afraid of the Great Tribulation, and my own Mom's pastor was professing that a few weeks ago, but Mom does not believe it in the least.
The Rapture/Harpazo, which is now a new in vogue word to titillate the masses, is not mentioned in Scirpture and the verses which are used to promote it are taken out of context. We will all be caught up, will all be changed at the twinkling of an eye at the Last Trump, but it is not Jesus peeking in the clouds and then coming back 7 years later. The majority of Christians will be martyred in what is coming, all will be refined.
That is what the preparation of Birther Hussein was so critical for in teaching people the experience of the false messiah and the mania of a regime attacking it's own people. That is what the anti Christ will do in world scale. Those following Obama are already lost, but those who were not deceived have begun a preparation for the worst deception which is coming.

St. Paul tells you exactly when the Rapture takes place in Christ. The Last Trump is the Feast of Trumpets in that period in the autumn of one year. The Babylonian Jewish New Year is important in this time frame too which spans a few months.
I am not stating this to antagonize people, but I do know the day, the month, the hour, the year, the minute when Jesus comes. I have worked on this, and while it was not for the Apostles to know, for God's reason I have inquired and I do know. It changes absolutely nothing for me in I will not take it as license to sin and I will not stop doing what my commission is. That is probably why God entrusted me with it, as it makes no difference to me, except in the knowing of what I must do.
I do not know if God the Father will change His mind. I will not know this date until certain events take place which I am looking for.

It is blasphemous of course to market the Holy Ghost information. The reality is though any Christian has the mandate from God to inquire as it is your right. Ask for Wisdom and God freely bestows this Gift. The thing is you are required to fulfill the moral laws, and you are required to when told things to prove and to try them as satan attempts to give wrong information constantly. The Scripture is the absolute base for all. If what you are told is not in Scripture, then Scripture is right and some liar is providing false information.
You must always try the spirits as God directs all to do. What the Lord accomplishes through me though is what any child of God can experience. All though find that being a target, having people mock you in calling you mad, and backsabbers wanting for their own thrills to gain information and then act as it is their own as they go off with satan, is not as pleasing as it appears at first blush.

I was moved to ask for Wisdom and I desired to have Prophetic ability. My prayers were answered and not in the least in what I wanted as instead of easy Wisdom, God made it very hard and it is hurtful to be misunderstood and maligned for what is Prophetic.
People always see the glamour, but never see Jeremiah dying in a well or Isaiah sawed in two by the government. Jesus own family called Him crazy. I have had that and while these things no longer bother me, it was not what I thought this was all going to be about.

It is why I loathe these "prayer warriors" who put on the show and act like they are riding in to save the day. If they were what they claim, satan would have them so targeted that they would be hiding in the crowd like Jesus and not acting like they are Ivanhoe with the biggest lance on the planet.

Personally, all of you my children, you are right with God. You are properly examining yourselves in trying to live the way God demands and you trust in Jesus alone as your Savior. You really do need to take a Sabbath break and just enjoy God and stop worrying about stuff, as there are 6 other days to watch how Jesus is giving you the victory in all of this.

I honestly since entering my twenties have only relied on the Holy Ghost and Scriptures and not in "teachers" as it wasted my time in dealing with people who are not as advanced as myself. That is not bragging as I know it is all Holy Ghost in me, but the labor of Bible study is one which requires years and listening to the Holy Ghost.
My only warning is, when the time comes that you venture out and ask the Holy Ghost for information, you better accept it as the Holy Ghost does not appreciate having the door slammed in His Face. You can not like it all you want, but you better accept it and be thankful for the information. The Holy Ghost tolerates me greatly in me and I apologize for my abuses of that tolerance. I just hope that in God knowing all, He sees I am not up to the task and how hard this all is, but I always try my best.

I am not here to save the world as that is Jesus work. I would if I could just focus on my life with TL as that is enough to deal with in the end times which are coming. I rob Peter to pay Paul though and it is a life on the edge which is more drama than I care for, but it is the air I breathe so why should I ask if it is fit to breathe. It is the only life I am in, so it must be lived with the focus that I have to go through the Great Tribulation and I know I will see Jesus on the other side.

God  tested me several times in if I would save my life. I yielded then to Him and He had His answer I would not hold it back. I am not meant to die in that great honor of Joan of Arc. Mine has been preparing the Way in these years and more to come with TL. I would die though if that is what God willed as death is not something I fear, as once those moments are done, I would be with Christ. I always live on the ground I stand as a hard sell, but God has other plans which do not include rest in death nor reward, but work as I have to be the adult for awhile more while the children play.

Having someone chosen by God like Dutch Reagan as an example to look up to is a good mirror of how Christian you are. You can tell a great deal about people in who they think as heroes. I had hoped for one more President for God to work through, but how can Judgment come when a righteous person is in the White House.
The sheep are scattered for no Master and the lambs are preyed upon by the shepherds.

Be of good courage though that you are in Christ's Care and never alone as He leads you by the hand.

May the Lord empower, prosper and reveal Himself to you and your wife in thought, word and deed to hold you both in the Way, the Truth and the Life in the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen
