Forget that embassy stuff my children.....yes, yes, another LC exclusive in matter anti matter bits.

What do you think I am the Music Man playing your 76 trombone?
Of course I'll write your lyrics, just what music in the symphony you refrain from is to be lyrisized..
Where was I? I can't talk creative stuff all the time.
Oh yeah I post this as people come here to get the real news first each day..........will cover this embassy wag the poocher tomorrow......
Where was I?
Yeah see there is no embassy attack as that would make the regime look incompetent now would it not my children in knowing things and not stopping them eh?
Sure it would so this is to put all you dull minds on edge looking for this attack stuff from out of 1600 Penn Avuenue.
Real panty raid is the Jews........the Jews are the triggernazi's in to have them Religious Jews coughing lung material to sell the story, and then..........I told you the ledger files says you Yanks get yanked duo to sell the message as Americans always like to die special to as it makes them feel included in misery loves World War one and two company.....then more of you can die.
You should get your own WMD gifts of bio, chem and chemo for the hard sell.
This is just warm ups.......the big stretch, the balls hitting the turf the beaver doing the big stretch before they start handling the balls for the big cheer.
What do you think I am Ulsterman? I am not a traveling man.........all girl here.
What do you think I am Alex Jones? No scripts printed in Hebrew here..........all Anglo Saxy.
What do you think I do not answer that as you just have to stop thinking as you think way too much.........this is dry fire, the live rounds come suma cum laude later.
Kerry is just mixing the brew see........just like Sudan for that oil......letting the Muslim Hitler off the tribunal trial.....this is what Kerry does best in stage theater like Nam..........blows rice up his ass and gets the medal for other people dying.....same stuff Obama did before he went morgue duty......or chicken entre special section in the doomsday city............yes Barry Chin sleeps with the chickens who have come home to roost..........poor Muchelle had lezbo Val and a jiggy Jinn in her bed.........poor poor big ass Muchelle........the world getting a big blow job and she gives none.
Where was I?
Yeah this is a teaser post for the children who come here for the day's news and keep the sextant shined up as not wanting to go off coarse in the big media wave splashing on the show here, just all teaser in this embassy stuff.........all script run out of CIA you know.....yeah CIA minders are sending the chatter as you know Obama did the Predator thing and overthrew Yemen so it is all regime operatives in the chatter.
This is the decoy I tell you.........the Big Foot on the lawn so all the other geese are looking at it while the media blows the goose call before the powder gets burned.
I really should be paid like 300 thousand for this, as this is really good stuff. I mean this would be like kilo cut if it is was coke......not that I ever did coke, but it would be the good stuff in weed, not that I ever inhaled.......just saying this is the fire diamond cut here while the other is just cut glass pretending to sparkle.
Doing a embassy attacks from 1600 Penn as that would make them look about Jews coughing up lungs as they get to pull the trigger
That should be enough to calm you down so Alex Jones can update you with all the inforwarp.
"Please sir may I have some more gruel"
Lame Twist at the Beggar Orphanage
Yes no day is complete without the signal flare of Lame Cherry in Inspration and inquiry guiding the way.........I do hope the Jinn does not blow up an embassy just to run a counter intelligence operation in trying to make information here look tainted.
Everyone complains and nobody ponies up the big bucks....and all I need is a saddle as I have room for a pony already me sister Violet.
They got the dull on look for where else they are going to stick the knife in my babies.
I can't get the stench of rotting flesh out of my nostrils.
nuff said
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