Monday, August 5, 2013
The Lament of Syria
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
Listen to the Word of the Lord in the burden of Syria, the people of Aram, the mother of the American children in wife of Gilead.
Mourn for the children of Damascus, for as the house of Hazael was punished for transgressions in the power of Benhadad, so will the house of Assad face their end.
Fire comes to devour the palaces of Benassad.
Listen to the Word, the Lord will break the power of Damascus and leave her leaders dead and in ruin. For transgressions the Lord will not pass by.
From the lands to the Jewish border to the lands beyond Damascus, the inhabitants will be cut off. The scepter will be taken and those who exiled will become exiled.
Damascus is heap and ruin. Never will she rise again to the glory of the Aram.
Behold the cry, Assad once benevolent to Christ's people in Syria now will not be lamented for.
To Jordan will they sojourn for the land is hot with sickness.
Egypt will be touched, but Eden will be a garden for the Syrian no more.
Jordan, the traders of Lebanon, the Turks, the Philistines will comfort the Syrian in hell when their time comes to join the lament of Syria.
Oh Aram, mother to the American people, now a barren womb and upon your corpse will the kings of the east trespass to their Har Megiddo judgment.
Why has Damascus become a burden to the Lord. Why has she been traded in the market for the spoilers to divide her carcase. Why is Syria but a path and a grave. Why is Syria offered up. Why has the Lord's mercy for her ceased with His children scattered from there.
Why is Syria no more.
If the Lord spares not Syria for protecting His own, then what sparing will there be for Judah and the Americans in Judgment of their transgressions who protect not the children of Christ there.
agtG 328Y