To Karen:
You mentioned prayer spirals but I was confused as to whether they are a good thing or something to avoid. If people with no ill intent are praying for someone, is it helpful to the recipient of those prayers? Does it just invite more negativity to feed off the emotions of those who have sent the prayers? If it's causing more harm than good, I would stop immediately. I would also feel more helpless, in seeing good people, Children of God, being hurt physically and spiritually and not being able to do anything about it.
Like all things in this dimension, prayers, thoughts, wills etc... can be used for good, evil or neutral actions. A prayer spiral is a vortex, sometimes of emotion and sometimes it is of Holy Angels offering up prayers for those they attend to.
satan accuses Christians before God and those are it's "prayers" as it walks all through the earth gathering intelligence.
The Apache Indian, Geronimo, was a shaman. He was one of the most powerful of the Indian mystics. He stated though of his magic in he would never teach any one of it, as it was too powerful, as it could be used for good as well as evil.
In praying good for people, it is good, but Karen, I will give you this example of pew sitters praying. I have two living sisters I detest as they are pharisees and due to family attachment and their own psychopathies, they have caused immense harm to my Mom and myself in their "prayers" which are driven by sociopath needs.
For example, they could come out and take Mom to the hairdresser or shopping, but will not, because they do not want that. But they will pray things like, "I want to spend more time with Mom or I want Mom to need me more", which satan gets involved with as doors are open, and the next thing I know is animals are dying here increasing our poverty..........I watched in horror one morning as I was gentling Darby in a lariat I had literally wound itself around my thigh as if by unseen hands......I undid it as I had a 1000 pound horse on the other end, and no sooner had I set myelf free, but that rope went around my ankle and away went Darby dragging me along which bruised me, but did not kill me thankfully.......or Mom gets knocked down and breaks her hip.
Those were thing when we were associating with those two prayerful pew sitters who were not praying for our good, but for their own selfish needs.
Forgive my language, but assholes do that all the time and reek hell into innocent and trusting people's lives. Things are much worse now in the Angelic protection or God's Blessing is removed from all America, so Christians are getting the hell beat out of them, and someone like me it is amplified being in the public eye as I get constant attacks from thousands daily.
I get cursed daily to be poor as people deny donations, and that is an amplified prayer by thousands.I have posted those dirty old men quotes in sex pervs wanting to fuck me. I get women who are jealous and want to replace me. There are thousands and each one is constantly unloading their broken souls at me, and in part they murdered Emma as she absorbed all of it as that was her purpose.
The point is, I thank you Karen, and the others who mention they pray for me, as I have no doubt you are genuine and good, but I desired to answer this, so you understand the workings of all of this, as you are receiving these curses daily from people you interact with, people in cars, people shopping etc.... The world is filled with mean and nasty people, and this is a war where each Saint is being bombarded by mortars blowing up in their lives and it is absolute hell.
Good prayers help all Saints, and good prayers put evil people into chaos as those prayers are correct vibrations to their incorrect frequency.
I would that I could Karen explain in public, the hell that TL and I have gone through in worse things these past months. The past 3 weeks have been ripping us to shreds. We know the source, and it is severe. It is though people who in selfish prayers are doing horrid injury. Our wounds might not be festering Job sores, but they are in the Spiritual and I would that it was only a few days, instead of this non stop misery as this is the worst of it, as a physical beating the body will shut down and no longer be able to feel it to effect, but in this there is no shutting it down or off, as the Spirit does not stop feeling.
You are asking the same types of questions which we are reviewing here, as it honestly is like, "I just took out that sniper so what in the hell is fire coming from that position again for?"
If Jesus talks of us casting out spirits in His name, why is it so hard to keep evil out of our lives? I can't get an answer to that, even with much study.
It all has to viewed as a war. People can remove a demon, but if that door is not sealed, another demon will step up like a soldier and start assaulting you again. I invested 2 weeks in removing the effects of someone which was exhausting, and yet in a few days all hell started breaking loose as it found a new way in.
It has been so thorough in this, that as a test in the inquiry last night, I asked if I was the anti Christ and it said YES. Now I was asking the Holy Ghost this, and I know in Scripture what the anti Christ is, and I know I am not the anti Christ, but this thing was giving me a false message, that I had to believe Scripture and not what I was being told in trying it. satan is a liar and satan will use love or anything it can to destroy anyone.
That is not to say that Jesus is not Lord, but it is a war He fights and has Victory in for each of us. satan is the problem and not God. We though as Saints are bombarded with stupid pew sitters, evil people, regimes and demons every moment.
In Daniel, the Archangel Gabriel states he was delayed three weeks by the prince demons of Persia until Michael came to assist him on his mission to Daniel, as the demons did not desire that message to get through.
Jesus mentions that some demons do not come out without prayer and much fasting, that means a complete focus upon God as few have. It is just Karen that, think of evil in this way.........
In 1950 Beaver Cleaver days, you had a majority of good people like Beaver. Then there were the hypocrites like the Rutherfords like Lumpy who drained oil out of his dad's car for his car, and in all that, there was only one Eddie Haskel, who everyone knew was evil, but Eddie even knew he could not be open about his evil side to the Cleaver adults or he would be punished.
Today Karen, there are thousands of Eddies and Edwinas, with an Obama voting block of Lumpys, and just a few Beaver Cleavers being good. Evil is overflowing like a tidal wave. You might decide to have lunch with someone which is really a bread breaking covenant, and think nothing of it, but there are demons looking at that as an open door into your life to sow those sins unseen from that other person's life into your life.
If you think about it for a moment, you will start remembering how some people drain you, or after being around someone you have some strange impulse for evil you fight off.....or perhaps have a bad dream which troubles you. Those are examples of evil showing up that people have no idea of.
My personal take now is, if a Christian's life is not misery, they are not a Christian in the least but satan's as satan is not inflicting on it's own.
People are showing exactly what they are and in being exposed, their sins are not secret and they are already sentenced to hell.
The Christian is being butchered around the globe now as this is just starting in this age of the anti Christ. Scripture says "I can do all things with Christ Who strengthens me". This is the same St. Paul who was hindered from going on missionary work by satan, and who ended up in chains in Rome and was crucified. I point that out that the mission continues no matter the conditions as this is real spiritual war and just because we will something in God's Will, there are numbers of demoniacs and demons who are in perpetual unrest targeting each Christian.
It is beyond even the malevolent Karen in it is Peter lecturing at Jesus about no violence in Jesus death and Jesus rebuking him as satan's tool, because there are those who wish you peace........and wishes are SPELLS and the peace they are speaking of is a peace where you let down your guard and weapons to make it easier for satan to hammer you.
Everything will be used against a Christian and I am the example of what this all looks like from dirty old men to pew sitters praying selfishness where if they got off their asses and took responsibility for their shitty existences there would be a solution instead of trying to drag a Christian down to their pain.
Karen, I am not saying that any of us who are REAL Christians can not make mistakes in prayers, but I have no doubts about you or others who do pray for TL and I. You are the real deal and I recognize it by who you are, just as certain as you can know kindness from a slap in the face.
I hope this helps you and others to be more aware. satan is the problem. it's minions are the problem, but God and you are not the problem. Your questioning things means you have a living conscience seeking to improve compared to the whitewashed crypts who read pleas for money and it never phases them in the least or they pull clever things like a few dollars in thinking that widow's mite is going to fool God.
God Judges such worship as theirs as noise and rejects it all.
None of this is fun. It has knocked me off my game and that was the intention. I will though in knocked down, shattered and battered, crawl back up and forward and hope Jesus carries me forward. I was about ready to give up today as I do not like to admit it that I am at a point I can not handle this. I am taking hits on all sides now and it is incessant. If I go down, then the information goes down with me and darkness starts as no one is doing what God does through me.
For those who look for a replacement in thinking Lame Cherry is expendable, just know that the Two Witnesses I look for are going to rain fire down on your lives where I was not allowed to inflict upon you.
I was the best cover and protection all of you had.
Yet this is my facebook page today in all wiped out but a message box as more affliction comes from Zuckercaust of the champagne guzzling cartel.
Yes, may all those experience what it is like to be me on every level in God's Name Amen and Amen
Thank you Karen for your help this day, as when I was down, your kindness and questions offered the Holy Ghost to pick me up and get me moving again for God's purposes. You and the few others are ministers of Light and God bless you for all of your genuine kindness which is not of money, but the polishing gems you are in God's treasury.
God's Day.
PS: My Aunt Verna was a beautiful woman, a party gal who ended up with two drunk husbands, bone cancer and trapped in a marriage for insurance. In all of that she said, "You got to have dreams", as dreams are sometimes all you have.
I was thinking of the someday in a big donation, and children........and a Welsh pony to ride for them, but they seem a big wide.....perhaps it might be a Morgan, or some trim little quarterhorse as a docile one would be very fitting for children.