Finally this is getting to be a sexy war, as what is war really when it was only Birther Hussein dating his tall daughter all these years in adopted daddy pedophilia, but now we have the big Anthony Wiener coming out in the rape of the Obama daughter.
I feel bad though for the rotund younger daughter Sloven in the Persian communists do not even want to have sex with her and after all that work Muchelle did to skinny her up.
If you believe any of these planted stories, then you believed Obama like Pegs Nooner from the start in this.
You know that it was Queenie who Muchelle was whoring around in Rome in 2009 in company of a half naked gangsta black, so maybe she might want some harem sex and this is not really a threat, as Obama likes teaching 5 year olds about having not this just bad propaganda really in normal people think child rape is bad, but this Obama regime advocates it.
WSJ: Tehran plans attack on U.S. embassy in Baghdad...
Ayatollah Khamenei: America Will 'Certainly Suffer Loss'...
Warning: Americans abducted, Obama daughter 'raped'...

Ayatollah Khamenei: America Will 'Certainly Suffer Loss'...
Warning: Americans abducted, Obama daughter 'raped'...


This is nice that all of this is ramping up to real war.........I will have more Putin details coming in what Fag Jinn promised Putin to play along........sort of.
It is nice also they are on my advice bringing in the bombers. Should be easier to assassinate white Syrians with 2000 pound jdams than those cruise missiles.
It is also nice the regime will blame the GOP for not backing mass murder for the 2014 elections.
PUTIN: Russia Will Help Syria If USA Attacks...
White House Aide: Obama has no 'intention' to strike Syria if Congress says NO!
MCCAIN: 'Impeachment' if boots on ground...
Obama orders Pentagon to expand target list...
Video showing vicious rebel executions turns debate...
BUCHANAN: Our boys to be 'mercenaries of sheikhs, sultans and emirs'...
NOONAN: Why America Is Saying 'No'...
For those who do not finger this out..........the Daily Caller is Romney Wall Street in the tank propaganda and the Wall Street Journal is in the tank Murdoch Pegs Nooner in the Obama tank like FOX.
So what do you think of Yellow Journalism.........only thing missing in this blowing up of a warship to start the Spanish American War.
I am all for this war. I hope it is the big Obama Chicken Entree send off. I hope Dr. Strangelove rides his missile down to the glassy sea. All of this is the coolest of cool in how inept satan is at starting wars. Then again this is about making America look inept so the world will look for a European leadership which all is against it in GermanoItaliano.
Enough of this as I am trying to find a something to live in as for some reason Jesus having no hole to crawl into does not appeal to me and I not being God, would prefer a structure with indoor plumbing and some kind of doors to keep the skunks out from gnawing on my face at night.....yeah they used to do that.
Wonder what will be gnawed off next in Syria............