Monday, September 16, 2013

Hoisted on me own Putintard Shipyard

Yes Virgina there is a Putinclause, who circles the glove to give bad girls and boys AK 47's to go naval hunting.........

but first an amazing miracle took place this morning, as while I slept the password for internet connection was changed. Yes psyops is a most interesting psychological tool in attempting to wear out a brave off, and the settings change.
Where is a CBS skirty girl reporter when you need her to have her lights flashing on and off.

Meanwhile back at the shooting gallery.

I really do not know if Mosaad affiliated Matt Drudge is correct in this being a "rampage" as under 20 dead and wounded is hardly a rampage like a rampaging flood in Colorado HAARP killing people, or like Fort Hood was not a terror event with Nidal Hassan and Girly Cops honored by Muchelle Obama blasting the lift out of Fort Hoodies........

Meanwhile back at the sort of rampage.

We do not know how many shooters they are, but we sure do know there were 7.62 x 39 casings found shooting I suppose those FMJ Kremlin rounds, as we all know that Kalashnikov's are the first choice of Navy seaman and waves............

Oh dear what can the matter be
Oh dear what can the matter be
Oh dear what can the matter be
Hiding under my desk and I have to pee

They promised me a war with Bashir Assad
But Putin came in and tried to be Lord God
Why oh what can the matter be
Hiding under my desk and I have to pee.........

I always feel better when I sing.

With the entertainment out of the way, we know that the BATF and Explosive things tracks all AK 47 purchases. We know that with DC in the title that every inch of that yard is under satellite surveillance to the postage stamp size 24 hours a day. We know that this is an official government building of the armed forces, so of course it is wide open, no security checks, no scanners and of course any person hauling around a 3 foot long weapon with a 2 foot long banana clip is not going to be noticed, even if he brings in their laundry or their harp case, as everyone brings their dry cleaning into a Defense Department building or shows up playing the of COURSE THERE ARE NO SECURITY CHECKS GOING INTO A HIGH SECURITY DEFENSE DEPARTMENT BUILDING.

 Naval Sea Systems Command is the largest of the Navy's five system commands and accounts for a quarter of the Navy's entire budget. It builds, buys and maintains the Navy's ships and submarines and their combat systems.

Where was I in this, as of course this is all fantasy in it could not happen, as it is near impossible to purchase an AK 47 without having BATF and Explosives giving one an anal exam....yet we were informed this was an AK 47, and the sniper nest was the balcony of the 4th story Navy house, and it conveniently overlooks the cafeteria talk about a great design in the Navy built an entire building with sniper's nests.

It is pretty difficult when Mockingbird propaganda can not even get their facts right in the source flow like after 9 11. First it is one person, then it is three shooters.....then it is two shooters and one holed up. Gets to looking like maybe there were three shooters and maybe two of them were Second Amendment Navy people armed and trying to stop the shooter and the local state police murdered them by mistake..........

We might never know in this, until we get the fabricated bullet hole data leaked out in magic bullet 40 Smith and Wesson fired from 30 caliber AK 47's.

Where was I?

One again repeating that one can not get into an airport without being screened, and yet there trots in a "bad shot" with an AK 47 into one thee most exceptionally secure repositories on the planet.

One might think this might be some white guy of Russian background, as the Russians are mocking the Obamerica in this, who had pro Muslim sympathies and might even taken trips to Moscow where he bathed in the stream where Putin pees.
Yes that might be too Chechen Boston Blow Job, but watch this early data as intell linked Washington Times is the one reporting on this, and NBC is fueling the cops being shot and the Washington Post in propaganda is muddling thee effects of it all.
Amazing is it not that the first reports already were pointing this to a Russian made assault rifle.

It appears Mockingbird is attempting to build a story already written.......I would dislike this blog blowing the mysts away as in Boston and they having to because this is another Eric Holder run operation by his cell in NSA to have to change the player we are running out of pressure cookers and Chechens.

Where was I?

Something of course is infinitely wrong with this as Court Houses have scanners, the Pentagon has scanners and TSA airports have scanners, but someone 8 pounds of steel just went through the scanners at the Navy Yard.........sorry Virgina, and I mean it like vagina, I don't believe you caught VD off a cucumber in the produce sextion.

All I wanted was a nice quiet day after Spiritual warfare all night and my password changed in someone trying to keep me again from keeping you all from going off the Pied Piper edge to the abyss.
You rich children just are trying so hard to commit suicide by regime in keeping me poor. At least put me into your wills for a few million being of sound mind and bods, as I will at least appreciate your demise unlike your relatives who will just cry over not being left more money to spend on fast cars and boob jobs.

Oh well the story is it is one bald dead man dressed in black. I hope it was not Putin...

REPORT: 4 killed, 8 injured...
WASHPOST: Three Two shooters...
Described as bald black man dressed in all black...
3,000 workers told to 'shelter in place'...
NBC: At least 2 cops among victims...
WAR ZONE: SWAT-style teams deployed at Capitol...
Flights halted out of Reagan airport...
HOMELAND: 'No known connection to terrorism'...
WH: 'Citizens: Listen to the Authorities'...
WITNESS: 'Lucky he was a bad shot'...
Russian official mocks: 'A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism'...

Yes we do not know who the shooter was..........Homeland states but we know it had no connection to terrorism..........except for voting for Obama in  two election thefts.

Gee I wonder why the regime keeps ripping up the bodies of Navy people with bullets ????

Yes a man dressed in black, entering the Navy Yard with an AK 47 certainly should not have raised any alarms, nor scanner warnings nor anything..........yes this story is one which should not be examined too closely for realities which once again do not make any sense.

Seriously, an open sited AK 47 shooting at angle, requires a bit of knowledge as if the bald guy was shooting at the heart region, most shots would fly high, as elevation at that angle is like raising the sites for distance.......he was literally shooting over all their heads and only probably hit anything by hitting some poor misfortunate behind the person he was firing at.

Shhhh no more Lame Cherry exclusives as we do not want critical information in this which is accurate and only desire what the story is which will come out of this.

I am weary in fighting for you. Now though you know some things you had absolutely no idea of.

You do need me, but know nothing. Ignorance is bliss and ignorance is death.

Gilligan's Island , The Honey Bees You Need Us - YouTube
Aug 14, 2010 - Uploaded by Mike Holiday
2:54. Watch Later DAWN WELLS - "Sugar Sugar"by WarrenParkwoodLindenFeatured108,181 · 1:26:32 ...

agtG 294Y

Post Script: Dead bald men dressed in black tell no tales, and it is not a world where SWAT has stun grenades as in Chechen boat hiders getting banged numerous times.........yes dead men tell no tales.  What is the story which requires telling that a live man would get in the way of.

Additional Post Script:

Dearest Sister,
I just finished this letter of consolation for you, when there was a bang outside in front, the computer only instantly shut off, and there is no more letter, not even the draft. Will try again tomorrow.
In Jesus love,

and this..........


The work I did last evening was wiped even though save draft was on.

I will now continue in the same vain of thought but perhaps not so devastating as what I had put together last knight.

Yes, and my password changed in a disconnected computer that only I have access to.......yes all coincidence.
For the reich rich who have not donated the hundreds of thousands of dollars you can and to the lurkers who could pony up 50 grand without missing it ever on your high speed internet..........the above is what it looks like to be in the fray and not having the money to donate, but these Americans are holding up your end, while you deceive yourselves into thinking worse is not going to happen to you when the time comes.

All coincidence the idiot will delude themselves with. The most secure place on earth just had someone allowed in for another staged event. You rich really think your money and hiding behind screens is going to stop this when they come for you? You thing a passport is going to get you away from this, when the tentacles of this will hunt you down just like the Shah's sons were murdered and Andrew Breitbart.

When the hearts stop going bangshangalang, and the regime sponsored guns are making the sound like today.......tock tick tock  tick.

The Archies - Bang-Shang-A-Lang (Correct Speed & Pitch) - YouTube
Apr 4, 2011 - Uploaded by windsorbear
This music segment was one of 17 "Dance of the Week" and "Brand New Song" segments originally shown on ...
