Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Is Obama a sub human Nig

This blog frequently enough makes note of real racism when perpetrated by the ruling elite, and I came across this on Face Book, which was interesting as it was in a Netflix link and making money for none other than Ashkenaz Mark Zuckerberg, the Obama supporting billionaire shill for  Facebook.

You will note in the advertisement that this is about making war against CROSS BREEDS.

For an American Indian, that word of "Breed" is every bit of a racial slur as using the racial epitaph Nigger.
It degrades in this even more, as the female, and yes this is about making war on Face Book against large breasted women with little clothing, which is also sexist, and promotes of course the old maxim of, "WAR IS ABOUT SPOILS AND YOU MAKE WAR TO RAPE THE WOMEN OF A NATION".

This ties directly into the reality of the political gang rape which American women have endured since the Age of Obama from Hillary Clinton to Sarah Palin, and hosts of others. All promoted by the ruling elite, including Rush Limbaugh chanting that Bristol Palin had no talent on Dancing with the Stars.

If you look close at the female to be made war on in martial rape, you will notice this "mutant" as cross breeds are termed in the mongrel Obama definition of the elite of mixed races, in she is slant eyed, as in Asian.

Considering that Birther Hussein Obama Chin is Asian, but of course is chicken entree cool in a freezer now and replaced by a Jinn shapeshifter, the wonder in this is, why is Mark Zuckerberg making money off of ads to games which treat people of mixed races as mutants who must be made war against, with the definite focus on rape of the spoils of these "sub humans".

Where is the ACLU or Southern Poverty Law Center when it comes to things like this posted on regime approved websites.

Why is it that only the patrician elite making genocide on blacks in replacing them with Mexican slave labor in body and Asian slave labor in technical venues, while blaming the Christian white group for all evils, is allowed to as this blog has noted from day one, to put up monkey ads pointed at blacks and to run these "rape and murder the Asian" games on Face Book?

Does this not bother a Michelle Malkin or did her 30 pieces of silver in selling her site to Mockingbird funds cause her to have a blind eye too?

I know that none of the elite is ever going to bring any of this up on their Limbaugh or FOX programs, and you will never hear a Boehner or Reid condemning any of this, no more than the Obama regime as it is all part of the established conditioning. It does though require someone to note the racism, sexism and genocidism of rapine involved in this, as this did not happen by chance, but was engineered to steer those idiot "equal sodom sign" dolts to view the world in this way, that there are subhumans who require war to be made on the, and in this case they have slanted eyes.

Face Book makes money off of this, and that money flows into the Obama regime for 2014 election theft.

ONE MILLION people on Face Book played this "game", a game of gladiator mutants, the same "games" of Rome which had Christians and other dark skinned peoples fed to the lions or having to fight to the death like animals.

Ashkenaz Mark Zuckerberg makes money off of this "game" focusing on people of mixed ancestry as sub human, and the Obama regime is a part of this Mockingbird.

Where is the outcry on this?

So is Birther Hussein Obama a sub human Nig for this cocktail crowd to jack off to in Peggy Noonan crusty undies or is something more going on here in the disappearing monkey ads of 2009 along with the Negroid white teeth ads, and now in the Asian heritage of Barack Hussein Obama Chin, is there now a coordinated push to make this Mongoloid slant eyed group sub human to be raped and then exterminated?

What is going on with the Face Book games?

Where is Chris Matthews apologizing for this as he did for all white people in Trayvon Martin?

Why is it that only this blog, not taking Mockingbird funds,  is the only one which calls attention to this atrocious and heinous marketing and mind conditioning of the masses? Yes it is because I depend on donations which the rich do not pay in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Thanks for nothing as I am left on point exposed and all of you pretenders lurk in the shadows pretending you are part of some fight and making a difference.

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