Friday, September 27, 2013

Russian King takes American Queen with Syrian Pawn

Jane your letters are always welcome, so never apologize. I have prayed for what you spoke of and I thank you sincerely for writing as to assist in ways I can, is what I try to do.

Now onto shop.........The addressing of the Bashir Assad triumph with Vladamir Putin.

To explain this, WMD's are effective weapons in they pollute by toxins, biologicals and radiation. They are necessary as dirty wars keep wars from happening, but clean wars keep wars fomenting.

What Bashir Assad is speaking of in the "blinding in an instant" weapon are pulse weapons. I have noted and wrote them here.

brilliant strategist Bashir Assad, is one of amusement in how novel it is that he just cost American taxpayers 1 billiion dollars more in chemical weapons he wanted to get rid of, but then made certain to note that he has advanced weaponry, more destructive than WMD's

Any person with a minimum of knowledge, some pipe, wire, electricity and small explosive charge can create an electro magnetic pulse, make it directional and make it effective.

Bashir Assad has stated that he has pulse weapons, and could fry thee entire Israeli electrical grid. It must be understood that Israel has an economy which will only be viable if her people are employed and not soldiers. Making Israel fight a protracted war of 3 weeks and they would be in jeopardy. Making them fight that long would use up their working munitions and spare parts as did the 6 days war.

Yes nuclear bombs are something the Jews have, but cut off the power grid and you cut off a nation, and it soon starts to get sick, starve and lose courage. No Faraday cage type system shrouds an entire nation, and that is what would be hit in all of the necessary refrigeration, medical and just environmental necessities.

Bashir Assad has the way to blind nations. He also has the dirty stuff in biologicals to make rebuilding things anthrax and small pox unpleasant. Iran has the nuclear supply and in a Jewish state of 200 nuclear heads of only 50 by 200 miles in size, the population centers even on hills as this blog has proven could be salted with enough nuclear material to make the Israeli state one bleeding rectal zone, while Iran could absorb all Israel has along with Assad, and win as they have land to spare while the Jews have nothing.

President Assad has an arsenal of artillery and rocket type EMP's it states upon inquiry, making it possible to with low tech fry and refry the Israeli grid as fast and as often as they would choose. That though is the Syrian magic bullet and in the scenario mobs Philistines by the millions are to loot, rape and murder the Jewish minority for an uncivil exclamation point. Makes it easier without chemical weapon pollution.

As these exclusives in matter anti matter are not of any donation value to the rich, God bless you to experience my world  a thousand fold in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

Wow Semour Hersh now says Obama has a puppy press and that bin Laden was all bullshit........years after it was first exposed here. Guess that makes it official and not my exclusives.

Am pleased at least Bashir Assad is auditioning for a rubble grave as then I can get out of here and all the rich can be like the Jews in being blinded by what they no longer can see.

The Obama regime with the Fang Jinn has just initiated next generation clean warfare which kills as much as WMD's in asymmetrical warfare that produces a domino effect.
I bet we Jews will all be glad now we wasted our time on equalized sodomy when the real game was and is the NATIONAL DISARMING OF THE ISRAELI STATE.

I told all of you exclusively and remind you. The Obama legacy is about removing the Israeli nuclear arsenal by the created Muslim nuclear arsenal, to make the Jewish state completely a UN peacekeeping state to rid the world of Jews who practice religion.

nuff said
