Friday, September 13, 2013

The Three F's

I recall as a child looking on in disgust in watching people unload their 22 rifles by simply pulling the trigger until the magazine was empty. That kind of thing I knew better than ever trying as I forever was scolded about "waste not want not".

I remember a time that I watched old mechanics use gasoline as a cleaner by the gallon as it was so cheap and effecient and now that time has long gone as gas like milk is so expensive people count every drop.

I do make a point of things I have interest in, in not stupidly posting about them, as alerting the masses to things will only make things worse. Yesterday I shot a skunk with a 22 rifle and decided to reload my old Stevens 3 in 1 which has been featured here, and noticed I was about out of my 22 shells. The Stevens is partial to eating Winchester Super X, as I once tried Remington Hornets and one blew up as the action was working, and that loud pop got my attention in my ear, and I am glad the shrapnel did not take out an eye.
This is the most accurate rifle I have, and although old, I use it all the time, but it does eat only Winchester ammo well.

That is the problem as my brother works in one of the major retailers for outdoor products and they have had a hell of time keeping in stock of any ammunition. The "good stuff" which I will not divulge in shotgun or rifle has just disappeared.
In that, I have been watching my local retailers closely and noticed how their shelves have gone bare. I spoke to a gal today in a hardware store about 22 ammo as they always had a few boxes on display and she said, "No we have not been able to get  any ammunition in since January".

There once was a US policy to feed the Citizen cheap and good ammuntion. Under the Obama regime, which was indeed started by Karl Rove and George W. Bush to dry up cheap guns and ammo, a literal disarming of America which no one is speaking to in the least.....least of all Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or any of them.

If you would have told anyone 10 years ago that ammunition in America would have disappeared and no one would be able to get 22 ammo, they would have said you were out of your mind. Makers from Winchester, Remington and Federal churned out bricks of the stuff, and yes they were 500 round bricks you would buy those diminutive shells in as you would shoot them up that quickly.
It was a time when a box of 22 shells was 50 cents and people would frown at that a price. Now it is so inflated that 2.50 a box is considered the sellers price.....a nickel for something so small it is not worth that.

This is the greatest attack on America, but while Mark Levin tries to open the Constitution for easy gutting, as no one makes the point that if North Dakota can put in amendments to redo the Constitution, then so can New York put in "The Love Amendment" which would state that any loving  relationship was marital legal, meaning pedophilia, the real attack on America is the EXPENSE OF FOOD, FUEL AND FIREARMS.

It is those 3 F's which will undo America and have undone her. No one asks how it is that suddenly ammunition makers and gun manufacturers are unable to produce the same low cost products they could under Ronald Reagan..........
Yes the Ronald Reagan who as part of his agenda started ARMING THE STATES CHEAPLY as public policy and under the Bush and Obama regimes, it was disarming America and making everything too expensive to purchase. THIS IS A CARTEL POLICY exactly like the monopoly on gas prices in order to control the public and impoverish them.

You do not see this in your being in the gulag already. You are already locked into America by passports......they will shoot you if you try to get out of America without one.
You can not afford to travel as gas is too expensive, so you are confined to your house.
You can not afford to eat, so you are becoming malnourished in not eating meat which makes you aggressive.
You can not afford to use your guns and ammunition due to lack of money and supply, so you are not well regulated.

Yes only this blog has noted this in what is the reality of the Constitution in "well regulated" does not mean regulations as in laws, but as Theodore Roosevelt used the term in well regulated in practice with firearms and cannon.

What they have done is stopped Americans from hunting and from practicing in using their firearms, so they are less skilled in being able to hit what they are aiming at. Ammunition does degrade as it sits unused too.......that is all part of this, and I again stress this in WHY IS IT THE MOCKINGBIRD MIC HEADS NEVER BRING THIS UP and make this thee supreme issue in America, and yet you will notice the NRA which backed Harry Reid in the frauds that run that patrician gun control group, never raise the hell to make it a federal policy again to have cheap guns and cheap ammo in America.

They want you disarmed and they have done it, just like they made you a prisoner in your own home, and only this blog has pointed any of this protocol out, which has Americans incarcerated, disarmed and enslaved while inside their own homes, armed and employed.

It is thee most brilliant of strategies in overcoming Americans, while Mark Levin is employed to buy more time for the cartel in telling you the answer is to gut the Constitution.

The reality is the 10 Commandments stop no sin, and unless moral people obey the Constitution as a Republic, any amending of the Constitution will have more of these evil feudalists ignoring the laws and making the new laws work against the people more.

I desire to thank the few people who have donated to the blog and express my appreciation to those who were long time readers who missed my first sabbatical. Thank you for your prayers and good blessings. I cringe at the thought of how bad off I would be without the prayers of the good.

The reality is though my situation is dire, and I do not state that for sympathy or to make people worry about me. I just state a fact and things will degrade if the God Who speaks to me is speaking to me, as times for people of the West in the Israelites led by America and the few in that place in Judah who are of the blood, that things will not go well for you. There would not be this immense effort in clever confinement being undertaken if the cartel did not mean to genocide the lot of you.

I have done what I could in warning you from the brier patch. I fully expect in your lifetime you will see invasion, cities obliterated, dead unburied and dogs chewing on people, to the extent, you will not even be bothered by it. When the time comes, it will be the rich whose focal point mansions will be the bonfire of the vanities lighting your skies by the police taking their share and the mob taking what is left.

I warn the rich of something again in what they will take from you by asking a question.

Is your money in piles with you or is it in an electronic memory at a bank needing electricity?

Are your stocks in your hand, or are they in an electronic memory at a broker needing electricity?

Bonds? Offshore investments? All electric and all will disappear just like 9 11 jets slamming into the Twin Towers.

How about your bags of gold and silver? Yes radiation absorbs into them and they will be a hot spot kill zone, and how are you going to haul around 100 pounds of coins?

The cartel already has the rich in pauper status as the investments will disappear with an electronic surge and your spread sheet will not be legal proof.

By God's Grace only this blog has laid any of this out. As my reading this morning dealt with God stating He will wipe out the 13 tribes to a remnant, and that means America, it is a reality that no one can intercede nor would they be heard even if a Job or Daniel was here for the job.

The majority are not going to put away their idols or sin. The majority are not going to do good. God has given you well to do over to your own deceptions and you could not have been deceived unless you chose to be deceived.

An ammunition drought in America is thee most certain sign America is a corpse as the regime made it the policy and the conglomerates have disarmed America in a few short years while putting all in the gulag.

Billion dollar babies made bastards. No more mister nice guy.
