.........and what terrorists did the real press hand the gift too?
'GUARDIAN has handed gift to terrorists...
Snowden leaks caused 'greatest damage to western security in history'...
Was it the terrorists in the global police state now assaulting United States Citizens on their own properties?
Visitors play 'catch me if you can'...
21 People Given Citations For Entering Grand Canyon; Mandatory Order To Appear In Federal Court...
...or was it the Korp Group o'Bama terrorizing Americans in National Parks?
Seriously what terrorists did Edward Snowden help, when the reality is.....the Boston Bombing was run out the Eric Holder cell at NSA, those poor blacks in DC were both murdered for having this Obama regime blast ELF waves into their brains driving them nuts.....and even Kenya was a regime event in order to have an excuse to go into Somalia and knock off some al Qaeda which refused to be run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
The reality is the only terrorists who have been helped in this are no terrorists as no terror events have taken place from the Snowden leaks and the only folks bitching about this are the terrorists hiding in Intelligence agencies taking marching orders from cartel stooges like Fang Jinn Obama.
....and the only terrorists gifted in all of this are the al Qaeda employees butchering people in Syria run out of the Oval O.....and every other place things are blowing up, as only those terrorists are equipped and running operations for the global cartel.
nuff said Sherlock.