Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Mysery 51,000

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

The Obama regime released statistics that 51,000 people signed up to Obamacare. That would be difficult as the system self crashed by design immediately.

Who these mystery unique visors were are the pre sign up Obama stooges like the healthcare stooges and every other thing that Obama loaded the audience with.

So the system was tested with 51.000 tolls or dead people with the union label and the net result was Oabma Chin was mistress of the domain.

All this is boring to me so I will punish all of you with a photo of a blonde, a dry dream Obama never had but included it in the Designer Negro manual, Dreams of my Obama, as every little Ed Murphy wanted in Harlem or Whatlem to grow up and be the son of an African male who was banging more virgin teenagers than an Obama.

You do see how bas this is, when a blonde is more interesting than an exclusive.

I do not think I want to write on this as Luke Skywalker is next door sounding like a blonde female while her little boy is mesmerized by her stage show of being Darth Vader in pulling off the heads of non animated plastic action figurines.

Time to something to eat or I ate already and am sipping on the things. I hear from God a great deal that all of you are doomed in being rich people. That is nice, but probably not for the non donors.who have the Day of the Lord thing going on.

You really pissed me off in not donating.. Will be nonstop blonde torture and torment for the lot of you, you you bitc...............HA thought was going to use profanity, but who needs profanity when you got BLONDE TORTURE eh.