Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The XX filles
You know, you never hear of anyone but this blog having continuous dates with the intelligence spying network on so many levels. Most people brush the things off as impossible until it starts happening with them, and then they become believers too.
I received a note on Face Book from a very good soul, who happened to mention she was on the blog and her computer started doing the strange things which I mention, and when she was off the site, it returned to being normal, but on Face Book the same glitches started manifesting.
There are so many data mining programs in the programme, and each manifests differently that I wondered for a time if these were deliberate terrorism by the regime in scaring people with the signs which appear like jumping screens. I know the little lap top I am typing this on has a peculiar way of constantly rearranging the items on my desktop.
So you know, I hate searching through folders, so I put pictures, icons and texts on my desktop for dragging and dropping. On this computer though they are constantly jumping about. I tried to arrange them a few times and lock things down, but it did no good, so I just leave things in constant motion and deal with the manifestations of a surveillance program.
The reality is, the intelligence apparatus is not doing this to intimidate people. From inquiry, they in fact do not even know this is taking place except for what is alerting them here. What is taking place in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter is this. The reality is, that I have so many intelligence programs from different agencies spying on me illegally that they are bouncing off each other in trying to data mine, and the net result is an amplification of their stealth programs to becoming these overt glitches which are nothing of the sort in covert operations.
For what the regime spends in resources and time, if they would just donate half that cash, I would mail them what I would post and they could go bother security threats.
It always comes back to, you never hear any of these fringe media or mic media ever talking about this, or anyone on those sites ever reporting the kinds of manifestations which constantly occur here. It always begs the question that if what is taking place here is fiction, then why would all these intelligence agencies from around the world keep such a close watch on someone in the brier patch?
The Philistine King dismissed David's drooling and scribbling on the wall as a madman......so what is it about this blog that so many resources are invested that the regime is tripping over itself.
This blog appears now as the only source of constant information eclipsing the combined fringe. I will have more on this in an examination of FUXNET, but it is an amazing thing to see a few paragraphs send such a tidal wave deluge across the internet. Who would have ever thought a few words would give me my own security files in stacks or it is in flashdrives. The reality is most people burn out in months, and most in a few years in doing this, unless they have a Mockingbird staff to generate the fiction for them. The human simply does not possess an ability to generate infinite subjects as the capacity does not allow them to gain informatoin and learn information on combined levels. That is without God given Inspiration.
The only regret I have in this, is not having the money. If I had the donations so I could gain a home for TL and myself, and get things settled, then by God's Grace I would be in the grove and you would really start reading some fantastic revelations as I would not be distracted by trying to survive. What you are experiencing now is about 1/3rd of the capabilities which I conceive. Imagine what would be possible if I could focus as I should.
Oh well just skimming the surface as I am probably the greatest international asset to exist. One would think it would be worth nurturing me as off budget items always get some whore funds on expense accounts...........but well yes, this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in exposing what is the glitch in the surveillance programs in when too many are operating on one date, they start sending computer operating systems into convulsions.
Odd to me yet that I am so popular.