Saturday, November 2, 2013

More than a Whisperer

You beat a horse with your mind, not a whip.

Lame Cherry

I intend to impart some knowledge to you, but not the hidden knowledge, but enough to train you before you come to a time in requiring the relationship with working animal.

Never tease any animal in deceiving them. They will question you when it counts in needing to fetch something in food which your life might depend on for that day in eating.

A horse is 10 times, bigger than you, 10 times stronger than you, so stop acting 10 times more stupid than the horse in thinking it speaks human language, comprehends being whipped or spurred, or can read your mind.

The last thing a trainer should ever have on their mind is to ride a horse. One trains a horse as if they are a dog, and then the riding part needs not be on the mind, as it will come natural in the horse trusting you.

A dog on a leash means a dog that the owner can not control. A whip with a horse or spur means a horse which the owner has not gained control of.

A horse whisperer did not start in 1990. That plagiarism was taken from the mid 1800's as that process was in vogue then, and while animals will respond to human sensitives, it still requires a firm gentle hand, a rope or leash, to convince the untrained animal who it master is, then the collar and halter are only there to remind the animal the intelligent human is in control.

The vast majority of animals all know who they are. Most people do not know what they are, and that is the entire problem for animals.

One works on the animal's time, and not your time. Each animal has their own clock of intelligence, off days and comfort levels of accepting things.

Train an animal and they will respond to their death with trying to please you. Enslave an animal and that animal will seek to avenge themselves to the point of your death.

An animal learns by seeing and by repeated experience accomplishes that education.

If you are pulling on a horse or a dog is pulling you, the animal is the one doing the thinking to your stupid reactions.

A caress, a pet, a treat accomplishes more than a beating. A beating teaches nothing but resentment of you.
A sharp command, a snap with a whip, is the measured fear an animal will respond to applied sparingly and judiciously. If the lesson has degraded to that, your approach was inadequate.

Most people would benefit from being put on a leash or a lead rope.

An animal will always test you, and most humans will fail the test.

nuff said