Monday, November 4, 2013

The Cherry Tick

The Cherry Tick

As TL did not desire a woodtick genus named for Tiger, I am forced to name this blood syphoner after me again.

What I am getting at is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

See TL was looking up woodticks from the always experts, as a tick we came across had jumped, twice in trying to capture it. The experts state that ticks do not jump, but that is a load of horseshit piled on bullshit, as we both saw this tick jump so quickly it disappeared.
First time was off my sock and onto TL's Mom's rug where it disappeared and I was vacuuming not find the thing, when it appeared on the hose.

Second time I tried to capture that thing, it jumped again.

I noted this was not the normal American tick or common ticks in the one type being that brown eyed looking plain thing and the other being a mottled lined thing which showed up.....then there is the small deer tick, but the Cherry tick is not any of these as I puzzled over it.

This tick is reddish on the legs in color, and a darkish brown. It is half the size of a normal American tick also.

I found a nice bit of information on it too, as TL was painting her Mom's bathroom, and had a radio in there which Mom of TL had in the garden that day, suddenly produced 40 ticks which for only this tick reason knew had taken up residence in mass in the thing.
We placed it in a plastic bag and hosed it with DEET.

So the Cherry Tick is a resident of the zone 5 region of America. It is reddish in color, apparently is colonial at times and this thing does jump, being half the size of other ticks.

Being a botanist this is lovely having a new variety of jumping ticks to win a Nobel Prize over. Problem is both TL and I hope they  go extinct as I do not know if this is local to that area or wider spread in niche.

The good part is, TL's dad also was bitten twice by them in mowing lawn. They produce a horrid mosquito like festering welt worse than the normal tick. That is good as it saved me from having to be bitten in experiment.

Just more discoveries in what TL and I share with the world from science in so many fields.

I guess enough of this creepy tick discovery stuff. I would prefer to discover a continent with no inhabitants and then ban all immigration, including ticks.

Additional note: Upon reconnisance to said location, a cherry tick variety did present  itself. The tick has extra long leg structures with long antennae. Although this subject did not appear as red in the evening sky.
This subject had one white dot in the center of it's back.

Upon psychological examination, this tick preferred crawling up on a stick and would stop when the stick was switched to it crawling down.
Also subject tick, when faced while crawling on ground of stick impediment, preferred to attempt a passage around stick to climbing over it. Tick though on first test did reverse course and attempt new course.
In all cases though, this subject did attempt to crawl over the stick when faced with limitless impediment.
Tick did prefer to going under stick.

This indicates ability to learn to a point and it indicates a natural propensity to save energy by going under or around an impediment. What is of interest in the natural propensity to travel up, where of course a blood source would be on said mammal.

Regrettably, this subject could not be made to jump, when prodded. It did prefer the original like color stick to a small shard used to to prod it.

The tick did not possess any ability it would seem to prefer my flesh to the stick which appears odd, as it should have ability to differentiate.
It was in the process of traveling when discovered on a plastic lid.

Special Disclaimer, all ticks involved in the production of this experiment were harmed in said subject was smashed using a pebble.
Upon that test, first point impact did not appear to harm subject, but subject required more effort to cease it's functioning capability.

added note: Said tick was found on freshly painted white lid. Fresh paint did not appear to repel said tick. Other colors available were red and gold. It is not known if wood ticks prefer, are repelled or there is no preference for other colors or said white color.
