Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Oil of Blessing

I remember after my dad died in I went around my Mom's property and blessed every corner post with olive oil and how I did the same to the house.
Interesting thing was I put the sign of the cross over the door entry and it became a natural attractant to dirt, so I had this cross thing above our door for years.

It did not seem to frighten off Jehovah's Witnesses though.

I have gone through homes and made the sign of the cross and commanding in the Name of Jesus Christ to cleanse homes too. In that, the Holy Ghost once told me to pray for my sisters and an evil uncle and aunt who betrayed me.
I obeyed and it was the oddest thing in the uncle and aunt got absolutely friendly and my sisters turned into the bitchweeds from hell.

Odd in the one sister actually when through her home and did the Jesus thing. Do not think she cast herself out, but it did not help in making her satan free.

When I was a child, I slept walked. Had this poltergeist bothering me too. One morning I woke up to water being thrown in my face. I was not amused.
Thing is that Mom found a delivery method in you put an open St. John from the New Testament  under a child's bed and it honestly stopped the sleepwalking. I still have that Bible in plastic under my bed.

It is an amazing thing in how things in the spiritual react to God things, exactly like the demons did going postal when Jesus was around. There is a Light with God and that vibrational frequency has a most tormenting effect upon demons and demoniacs.

There are times in my life that I used to attract the worst sorts of people and it had to do with the Spirit of God in me, as they wanted it too. Problem was that same Light really brought out the worst frustrations in those people in they could not get what they desired and were terrified  of God, and usually furious at me for whatever was being picked up by them.
I frankly have never had a fear of God. By that I mean God does not scare me, as I would rather have God's wrath aimed at me than nothing at all, as at least with wrath I could figure out with Him what was going on to hopefully have things fixed.

It seems like a non stop reality now in how TL and I read or pick up on others in a constant binding and cutting off in Jesus or the Name of YWHW in sinners and demons projecting things. Tonight as we were watching a movie, I was getting flashes of Angels in the peripheral vision. TL usually sees things better than I do, and I usually hear better. I do not understand the reasons for each ability, but tonight I was glimpsing Holy Angels and I do appreciate that a great deal.
All of that both of us, like my Mom, take as a common thing, and I never much think about it, but realize that others would look at me like we were strange. For me the Spiritual and spiritual are as real as the physical world.

I do wonder though at times about things in the brier patch, as I honestly just try to mind my own business, and to me when God finally moves some rich person to come up with the cash, I will of course  work for God, but to me my reality is TL, garden things, a project shed and that is what dreams are made of. In that though, there seem to be people who drop by who think they are clever and try to recruit me to some satanic religion or like in the grocery the other day, I was wandering around looking for stuff for chicken soup as TL was not feeling the best.
So I am doing what I do in being lost, and I find the crackers, and there is this person there doing whatever shopping, and takes off and go down the aisle with my cart, turn the corner and they look back over their shoulder and give me the most seductive look, before going on their way.

I was like puzzled, and wondering what on earth that was about, as being a popular girl I just do not pay attention to most things, but this was so out of the blue in it seemed someone turned a light off and on in that person and it was not even that person there.

There is always so much going on in this world, that I keep being surprise and keep learning things every day. I learned this week that my one sister phoned up Mom and was trying to use the grandkids to "come over with" to see Mom.
Never will understand the children of darkness resorting to using children when all it takes is an apology, but then satan never apologizes for anything.

It is alot like growing tomatoes. This year I had those Table Talk and the things never set on really until September but grew like a tree. The Big Boys did quite well. Both were in a black plastic with railroad ties around them. In the garden I just dumped in my paste tomatoes, and oddly for me without care, the garden tomatoes did wonderful.
Sometimes it is a good tomatoe year, as I call it, but so many things happen as in some places there are nematodes that bother plant roots and some times it is just the tomatoe variety that suits the location.

Tomoates are sort of spiritual things as you really never know what you are going to get or come across. One thing is though tomatoes  never seem to go postal around me, which is something I was pondering and the Holy Ghost explained recently.
Where TL is, we run into dogs a great deal. Animals usually like me, but Lord God I have run into the most nutso animals in the dog department here, and it bothered me as I said animals always like me. Then the Holy Ghost mentioned about demons inside animals and it started making sense. I was triggering things in those pets which makes me wonder now what psychos the owners really are as they are walking along looking all normal, as animals do reflect the people they own.

I should probably close on this, as it is too much to ponder right now, and I need to unwind for a few as I listen to aircraft take off and am glad I have my feet on the ground.

I do recommend though people cleansing themselves, their homes and things, as all sorts of things need to be retuned in the Lord. I know that TL's place feels like we have this sphere around us compared to all the things gong on, on the outside I can feel. Some of it is we are finally putting a larger imprint here, and things are being driven off. Always is something sneaking around or trying to sneak up that I end up driving off.

nuff said
