Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Panther Woman

I dislike it when things puzzle me as I go into some establishments to get away from all the psychopathy on this planet.

Take for example, and you have to take it as this is my blog, a female subject I have been puzzled by in the Panther Woman.

She is sort of in appearance like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota aborticide industry which this  blog by God's Grace sent packing, with like flat chest as the Panther woman does not have an inflatable chest.

What this government employee of high salary does have though is an interesting wardrobe she forces upon me, as she is always at Goodwill picking at things the poor should only do, as she remains aloof and wearing animal print costumes.

In my world one if they are involved in the judiciary, you should not be wearing animal prints and camo clothing in a public elected office. That sends off red flags with me as I wonder what this female is up to, as it is once thing for old Nancy Pelosi to have her tits hanging out, but another for a woman involved in justice looking like a prostitute.

I wonder of her, in her apparent no tan mark body, at least bikini would be necessary, what this employee is auditioning for?
I mean does she have secret fantasies in some convict escaping from court, to kidnap her as he ravages her while the Fang Jinn gives a speech on television?

Just what is going on with panther woman, in her underwear how kitty like it is. and what kind of digitals is she snapping as he poses for only she knows.

This is just all too fascinating as we see all these stories of women gone wild in sexing teenage boys and girls, to sending bikini snaps to their admirers, in I wonder what is up with this woman in what is lurking behind her closed doors, as she certainly is invading my open spaces with red flags that something is not all Mother Theresa in her front pew.

She obviously wants to be noticed. She is starving herself thin and is tanning, so she is really phobic about her body in wanting to be attractive......as she puts herself on display to be noticed, but aloof from it all, as she hordes clothes and things from Goodwill on her high salary......looking to overcome things in life for which she has paid too dearly.

I have pondered all of this in a nasty political campaign in bringing this all up. I do not suppose she would appreciate it nor her spouse.......but then numbers of pervs would probably be asking for naked photos of her  and she just might beat me in a landslide as Stephies boobs bought her a few elections until  I deflated them.

I really do not appreciate all this invasion of my brain time, as I much prefer thinking that all women wear granny panties which are white and the men folk always are covered in boxers. Yes it is all Victorian, but it is must less stress on the mind compared to all of this Obama genitals and things which have assaulted the mind.

I should be able to go to a government office or a Goodwill and not have things flaunted at me in cleavage or penis. I do not do these things to other people and it is the same courtesy I expect from them.

Pity in my court fantasy would be pulling out my trenchgun and shooting an escaping terror cell group.....never was much into that hostage thing, but I did like animal prints on others as Jane looked good in the cartoons with a cheetah skin dress.

nuff said
