Friday, November 1, 2013
The Prophetic Temple
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
The combined desk willed to thank the kind children who donated. We pray that God blesses you with a Prophet's Reward for acknowleding Christ here in the Name of YWHW. It is a pity the rich do not know Scripture in that promise that those who assist those in the Name of the Lord will not be denied by Christ, just as Rahab the harlot of Jericho accepted the spies of Israel in protecting them, was given the first of the gentiles reward among the children of Israel.
We do not ever intend to pass over anyone who has genuinely donated here, so God bless each of you, but I desired that you should know that a Christian in Germany donated as well as one of God's people from Rhodesia in exile in Australia. The living Temple of the Lord is throughout the earth and I will forget none of the scattered flock.
There is a misnomer concerning the connection of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, as in Solomon's Temple and the end of Prophecy. These things require redress as things are often overlooked by the rabbi or teacher.
There is a telling verse in Jeremiah the first chapter concerning all of this, and it explains a bit about this. In it, Jeremiah is recording his calling from God and during which years the Word of the Lord was brought to Him.
In verse 3, there is this overlooked line:
"It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month."
You will notice in this, that the Prophetic Word of the Lord appears to have stopped to Jeremiah when Jerusalem was taken away captive.
You will note in the last verse of the Lamentations, which was written by the Holy Ghost Inspiring Jeremiah the Prophet, a national note, that God has gone silent for the children of the tribe of Judah, Benjamin and Levi which comprised the Southern Kingdom, just taken away to Babylonian exile.
"But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us."
I now bring you to the book of Daniel the Prophet. Daniel was a child of the tribe of Judah. He served the Babylonian government of Nebuchadnezzer and into the Persian government which conquered Babylon in Cyrus the Great. It is noted that Daniel was shown Prophetic visions, most of which deal with the End Times. Yes, a great deal of Jesus in the Matthew 24 time line and the Revelation of Jesus the Christ in the Apocalypse put into time order the Prophetic visions and dreams which the Holy Ghost revealed to Daniel.
Daniel was a Prophet and he lived after the destruction of the Temple, because as God promises, God will not do anything before revealing it to the Prophets first.
Daniel was a devout, pious and righteous man in being faithful unto God under penalty of death. That is how he ended up in the lion's den.
What must be comprehended in this, is when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah rejected God, that God divorced those nations and punished them. Those were national sins and nations which rejected God were not going to have Prophets sent to them, for the reality was the people were alien to God and He would not be inquired of by them on a national level.
God would though make known through Daniel, the reality of the return of the remnant from Babylon, for the expressed purpose of being a Judahite peoples, with a Temple rebuilt, so that when the Messiah, Jesus, was sent, He would fulfill the Prophecies which God had spoken.
Babylon was the seat of mysticism, as devoted as Egypt in their magicians. It was of the order or the mystery religions which Nimrod set up in sun and sex rites. Daniel was of the Lord, but he was surrounded by learned men and in that group were scientists, astrologers, diviners and mystics.
It must be understood that there are differences in Prophets and Seers. Prophets bring God's Word of future events. Seers make known what God has revealed to them.
In modern realities, the two great known diviners of Nostradamus and Edward Cayce, utilized mirrors to view events. I will not expound on remote viewing or divination, but it is something which in time flow proves that different time lines do appear and disappear.
Joseph had a cup which he divined visions with and King Solomon had a pendulum. When one "sees" one has to be aware of different time lines, that one is picking up signals like a lightning rod of not only the matrix of events, but God, demons, your will and other people's wills and the current flow, all influencing what is being revealed.
None of this is anything that should be practiced as the novice does not comprehend what this all is.
To add to this complexity, the Babylonians in the mystery rites and sciences, had appeal to the Jews whom God had gone silent from. The great intellectual minds sought to overcome that by will, instead of obedience as Daniel took in humbleness.
These Jews started incorporating the arts in this from the mystery religion, and it is where the Talmud began a human expansion on the Torah and the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. It is where one finds in Jesus time the Pharisees who were void of God, but enslaved by rituals and the Saducees who denied the resurrection.
Into this, arrived the Kabballah or the mystic geometric sciences. This is the focus of the mind on the Sacred Geometry, as related to the Great Mystery of God's creating children for Himself. The tetrahedron of YWHW is the focus of this and the late arriving practioners were the false messiahs following Christ, including the Asheknaz's ritual leader in Shabbatai Zvi who taught that more sinning was necessary as the more people sinned, the sooner the Redemption would take place.
It is all perverted teachings. It is the lords and the priests of the order building a geometric false tree of life, changing human DNA, and by this body of spirits, uttering the Name of the Lord, they intend to usher in immortality.
I will digress for a moment in this, as the Wisemen or Magi of the Bible are often misunderstood in all of this. Ask yourself, what on earth would some Persian astrologers be watching the skies for and how would they know that a star would signify something for a little people under Roman control in Jerusalem?
It all goes back to the work this blog has undertaken in educating you children. When the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom were exiled to northern Persia. They in all the advancement of Solomon brought with them knowledge which advanced all the peoples they came into contact with, just as the German Anglo American contact with the world advanced the planet for the past 500 years.
That contact in Medo Persia, started the Zoarastrians, a group of learned religious leaders, in a form like "christian scientists" meld teachings to form a quasi religion.
If you contemplate that, that the Lost Tribes, were still around, as James writes to them in his Epistle, it begins to make a conclusion that the wise men of the Bible as has been written of here, were Israelites in exile in the east. The reason they knew that a star rising in Leo, which is the sign of the Tribe of Israel in the heavens, was because they were part of the 13 tribes. The reason it mattered to them, and they came to find this King born, was because that Messianic King was their King, as they were waiting for Him too.
Those emissaries were the sign to announce to the world, the meaning of that star and Who it foretold.
Now to place this in context.
The Magi were not basing Salvation on the stars. They saw a sign in the stars to interpret what God was revealing, as Daniel turned to God to interpret the dreams he was shown, as did Joseph.
When a Cayce or Nostradamus, embarks on a path of divination in looking for information in that first, instead of God, then reality starts in time producing another path, because this is not Prophecy from God, but seeing a red sky at night to a sailor's delight in, it should not be windy the next day.
When the Kabballah is set by itself, it is like the Pentagon or Star of David, in being a one dimensional false teaching, which people look to it, instead of the Christ for their Salvation. It is the original story of Gideon's golden ephod set up as a remembrance to the deliverance God gave from enemies, but in the end the people started worshipping that ephod and not God.
It is why God took Moses body, as He knew those 13 Tribes if they had that body would set up an entire necromancy around Moses corpse.
I will not reveal the methods which I employ here, because none of you should endanger yourselves in this. The Word of the Lord which comes to me is His Voice. His Voice to me was only once a Voice I heard in my mind in God's Thought speaking. He repeated PATIENCE over and over.
His other manifestations are sometimes like a jolt of Thought and sometimes an enveloping warm Thought. It expands from there to certain Gifts I have in reading, to projecting in Spirit etc... to physical methods like the ephod, but it requires an immense amount of energy and it requires a battle, because it has to be discerned in Spirit and proven. It is a mind field, and I do mean MIND, as satan is a too often adversary hindering or attempting to influence what is being revealed.
This has taken a very long time to hone, and here am I still having the learning curve in this as it fine tunes.
For the Christian, the Prophetic era began again with the Angelic announcements of John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ. Jesus is the Prophet of the Ages. The Apostles and Disciples revealed details of the Prophecies in Scripture.
My mission was to fill in the silent places of Scripture to the time that the End Times Prophecies would be fulfilled. There is nothing glamorous in any of this. It is dangerous, satan tries to murder me too often, and by God's Spirit in me, I am more sensitive that I get ripped apart and thrown by the convulsions of all the evil people in this world. This is nothing no one should desire or pray for, as most Prophets are murdered by their own people.
I believe my commission is fulfilled in the first part, and will begin shifting to a second part in further preparation for Christ's return. I hope this next part has the Two Witnesses the focus and I can be more Deborah and Nathan, but that is not revealed yet to me.
When Israel was a Priestly people, the Prophets had a school. The Prophetic Harp was played not just by David, but by the Psalmists in the Temple of that Order. As Paul writes, he strove to have one more revelation from God as the Holy Spirit moved him.
It was of the European oracles gone silent, when Christ appeared and humanity chose God. Now though, the world has chosen satan and God is not silent, but is only heard by the few.
Those who do not hear God, should not conclude that God is not speaking.
Lame Cherry
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