Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Not my blessed Problem

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

I will admit that I am not Cain in confessing that I am not my brother's keeper, but all the same, I am not responsible for the National Obama Chin Debt.

For evidence in this, I submit that I was not even born when that socialist globalist twat Woodrow Wilson started all this "rob the neighbor" as thou "murderest thy German" in the Great European War which effused from that wound the League of Nations.

I confess that I never voted for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that anti American, socialist, power hungry, Constitutional crafter stacking the Supreme Court, violating Washington's 2 term limit, best friends with that mass murderer Stalin of the Soviets, Great Society communist and economic criminal keeping the Great Depression going for his buying up US votes.....and he started World War II also, and moved from "rob thy neighbor" to enslave thy neighbor, and, moved on to, thou "genocidist after raping thy German with Russian cocks".

I never had a part of this FDR confiscation of gold or any of this income tax either.

Thing is everyone stands around being mindwarped in confessing things like, "Sure I would pay more to keep some gulag slave in calling it taxes", and in that Slavery ended by Lincoln in that Emancipation, and by count now, I figure with 45 million beaners, 15 million afroids and 100 million white folks, that America is nothing but this Obama Chin slave state. That is like over half the pluribus as a slave people kept by the government for their plantation of votes.

The evil of it all is not evil people, as we have always had evil people in this world. The thing is now they have implemented this direct Nazi and Marxist scheme of confiscating all the cotton the American produces and then handing it out to conglomerates who keep all the money for what they sell.

Without money, it should be a reality that this gulag economics would not work, but with Quantative Easing, Q through 3, you got a deal now in Obama robbed the empty box, and is now creating his own e cash, so the Obama regime with the Pelosites, literally are not robbing people directly any more, but are robbing the not yet fertilzed in wombs not yet in egg production into the 22nd century.

I place here for your gander, gaze and gaga, a resolution by Abraham Lincoln, from the Land of Lincoln, called Illinois, in a Whig proclamation. Whigs were sort of Rhino Republicans in swerving into most issues in competition with Democrats who were anti the money power folks.


The object of the meeting was stated by Mr. Lincoln of Springfield, who
offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That a tariff of duties on imported goods, producing
sufficient revenue for the payment of the necessary expenditures of the
National Government, and so adjusted as to protect American industry, is
indispensably necessary to the prosperity of the American people.

Resolved, That we are opposed to direct taxation for the support of the
National Government.

So you see it mattered to Abraham Lincoln, and for that matter, even to Andrew Jackson I suspect as no income tax was ever in place before the 20th century to tap into for the modern welfare slave state with Mexican imports, a reality in this, that the national Government was funded by tariffs. Tariffs being a levy placed on imported goods that people wanted to buy or to protect some industry like dirt plates in Carolina from the Wedgwood china imports.

The Government was always running out of money, even with 15 million people, and it was like they spent 3 dollars per person every year, and that kept a check on things. Be right proper I would think in 300 million slaves in America now, if the government could only spend 3 dollars yet per person, so it would be like 1 billion dollars operating costs.

Like if Obama Chin Fang Jinn wanted another war, he would first have to hammer his golf clubs into a rifle barrel and spend a week fighting alone, and then if it was still a good idea, then America could send in the troops, and pay for it in some levy.

As for the welfare entitlements, I move that everyone be made to grow a Victory Garden like Franklin Roosevelt ordered as dictator, along with some chickens and being fed, they will get by.

I know you are saying about electric and Obama Chin excise taxes, but here is the deal..........

If Obama and Geithner could create fake e money for years to run up the debt, then why in hell do the American people have to pay taxes in income taxes? Just create the e cash, and people all with corporations can keep the money they earn. Corporations get so much money, they will be hiring folks to clean the lint out of Bill Gates navel.
Be a big economic boom, and it will all be about the reality of no one having to pay taxes any more as Obama Chin will just be doing what he did for years, and if it was legal then and fake currency was fine, then make it a policy and just allow the people to be divorced from the national debt.

The point is, Abraham Lincoln had as a policy of no taxes to fund the Government.

Some of our opponents, in theory, admit the propriety of a tariff sufficient for
a revenue, but even they will not in practice vote for such a tariff;
while others boldly advocate direct taxation.

Inasmuch, therefore, as some of them boldly advocate direct taxation, and all the rest--or so
nearly all as to make exceptions needless--refuse to adopt the tariff,
we think it is doing them no injustice to class them all as advocates
of direct taxation.

Indeed, we believe they are only delaying an open
avowal of the system till they can assure themselves that the people
will tolerate it.

Let us, then, briefly compare the two systems. The tariff is the cheaper system,
because the duties, being collected in large parcels at a few commercial points,
will require comparatively few
officers in their collection; while by the direct-tax system the land
must be literally covered with assessors and collectors, going forth
like swarms of Egyptian locusts, devouring every blade of grass and
other green thing. And, again, by the tariff system the whole revenue is
paid by the consumers of foreign goods, and those chiefly the luxuries,
and not the necessaries, of life.

By this system the man who contents himself to live upon the products
of his own country pays nothing at all.

So ask yourself, which was more economically sound, Abraham Lincoln having Americans keep their money or Barack Hussein Obama Jinn creating bogus trillions in e cash to bankrupt America?

That about sums it all up in making the point. In my locality the liberals tried 3 times to raise taxes on people for education, and the third time the people stopped it, the school by miracle found a pile of unknown money they were sitting on.
Same goes for my county in  they kept trying to raise taxes for things, and the people kept voting it down. No services stopped and no one noticed a problem in things.
Socialists always are asking for money, and if you say NO three times, they just stop as they get frustrated and then stop dreaming up ways of spending money.

I say stop taxing people and corporations, because the Fang Jinn Obama creates money out of keyboard magic. America would have more than enough money then, because as I stated if e cash is legal and a great way of QE running things, then it should be run that way always.
Unless of course the tax structure is really about making people poor so the feudal elite can keep control of the gulag.

Why is it this blog is the only one which has asked any of these questions in ways the people can understand, and in ways of stating, "Who was the better leader, Abraham Lincoln or Birther Hussein Obama Chin?"

The reason is Mockingbird does not allow any of this discourse any longer. I have to make up for one hundred thousand worthless reporters being paid millions, and for lazy reasons the rich people on this blog will not pay me for doing the work of 100,000 shills for the feudal state.

If I was rich, I would be ashamed in how I treated Lame Cherry. Of course, I have the Spirit of God in me which creates that condition.

Now for more Lincoln writing on proper taxes by only tariff and his quoting the noble Democrats who in the Age of Marxist Wilson, Roosevelt and Obama have lost the Democrat way.

The first of those resolutions declares a tariff of duties upon foreign
importations, producing sufficient revenue for the support of the
General Government, and so adjusted as to protect American industry, to
be indispensably necessary to the prosperity of the American people;
and the second declares direct taxation for a national revenue to
be improper. Those two resolutions are kindred in their nature, and
therefore proper and convenient to be considered together. The question
of protection is a subject entirely too broad to be crowded into a
few pages only, together with several other subjects. On that point we
therefore content ourselves with giving the following extracts from
the writings of Mr. Jefferson, General Jackson, and the speech of Mr.

"To be independent for the comforts of life, we must fabricate them
ourselves. We must now place the manufacturer by the side of the
agriculturalist. The grand inquiry now is, Shall we make our own
comforts, or go without them at the will of a foreign nation? He,
therefore, who is now against domestic manufactures must be for reducing
us either to dependence on that foreign nation, or to be clothed in
skins and to live like wild beasts in dens and caverns. I am not one of
those; experience has taught me that manufactures are now as necessary
to our independence as to our comfort." Letter of Mr. Jefferson to
Benjamin Austin.

"I ask, What is the real situation of the agriculturalist? Where has the
American farmer a market for his surplus produce? Except for cotton, he
has neither a foreign nor a home market. Does not this clearly prove,
when there is no market at home or abroad, that there [is] too much
labor employed in agriculture? Common sense at once points out the
remedy. Take from agriculture six hundred thousand men, women, and
children, and you will at once give a market for more breadstuffs than
all Europe now furnishes. In short, we have been too long subject to the
policy of British merchants. It is time we should become a little
more Americanized, and instead of feeding the paupers and laborers
of England, feed our own; or else in a short time, by continuing our
present policy, we shall all be rendered paupers ourselves."--General
Jackson's Letter to Dr. Coleman.

"When our manufactures are grown to a certain perfection, as they soon
will be, under the fostering care of government, the farmer will find
a ready market for his surplus produce, and--what is of equal
consequence--a certain and cheap supply of all he wants; his prosperity
will diffuse itself to every class of the community." Speech of Hon. J.
C. Calhoun on the Tariff.

nuff said
