Sunday, January 26, 2014

Letting Go

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

When Oprah Winfrey interviews the rich and famous, she always pictures them sitting on the crapper taking a dump naked, as it is a great equalizer for her in knowing all people's chit stinks even if they claim it does not.

I have told you often enough of the east coast merchants of old money in how it was built primarily on the opium trade in the orient. Linked into that you can find the Kennedy family who was tied to the mafia and smuggling booze out of Canada in how they made their Irish fortune in Boston.

They were the Martha's Vineyard clique and as of late one could find Barack and Muchelle Obama haunting that posh resort, but the next time you hear of that coastal retreat, I want you to remember a fact of where these dictators of dogma in sneering at Reagan Blue State flyover country, when Tim Russert changed the name to red states and those on the right came to heal with the slur.
I want you to remember the following quote:

"Prosaic and uneventful to the last degree was our passage, the only incident worth recording being our "gamming" of the PASSAMAQUODDY, of Martha's Vineyard, South Sea whaler; eighteen months out , with one thousand barrels of sperm oil on board."

Frank T. Bullen. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales

What is this which is being recorded but Martha's Vineyard, being a port city, just happened to be sending out what is termed now evil and vile whaling ships to not just slaughter whales to the point of extinction, but yes they were making fortunes off of it.

I am going to inform you of something and that is a reality that if you find people with Harvard or Yale, or any ivy league school diploma in that family, it is a sure sign that family obtained that money by thee most heinous, murderous and human predatory rapine.
Yes you hear of the capitalists like Carnegie, Rockefeller etc... who preyed on the world, but you never hear of those affluent families of the patricians in how they made their fortunes, and fortunes they were.

"My ship came in", is still a thing of slang people hear, but in reality, it was an shrewd investor, hired a ship, with Captain and crew, who was sent out to exploit some far off peoples, gouge them in prices, and then return to America to gouge them with their wares, including sperm whale oil.

Want to know what Martha's Vineyard with their snobs is based on like all cities where the wealthy hob nob? The crews of any ship were the dregs of society. They were tattooed, foul mouthed, brawling, ignorant beasts, herded by a gentlemanly officer group who used lash and whatever else was available to beat these creatures into doing the ploughing of the sea.

Food was stale to rotten salt beef. Exploitation was the rule as the entire crew usually was encouraged to trade to enhance their meager slave wages.

It was dangerous work, and when these creatures came into port, the dock areas were infested with lewdness, larceny and filth to prey on these crews.
Now ask yourself when the whale ship came to Martha's Vineyard, just why was it the respectable folks there who had police, allowed such a ghetto to exist and did not try to bring religion to these miscreants?

It is the same story as of today in who runs the dope trucks, trains and planes into America, but this same patrician ilk. They create ghettos to keep the mob grouped so it does not break out and set up shacks in the pretty million dollar places Obama Jinn vacations and golfs. It is in these locales that the crime trade runs and gleans all of those wages back, while dealing in contraband, while the police manage it all for their bribes.

That is Martha's Vineyard in fact. A place covered in thousands of tons of whale oil and blood. You hear about blood diamonds in Africa for the real reason that Leonardo DiCapprio's benefactors run the diamond monopoly and do not want some blacks rising up into their own trade with diamonds.
You though will never hear of all the blood which made Martha's Vineyard in slave traffic, world exploitation, dope trade and whatever else horrid thing these rich magnets devolved into.

The ludicrous reality of this is, this Martha crowd focuses on slaves.......because it is their conglomerates who bribed Congress so poor blacks in welfare cards only can buy their products.
No one mentions the millions of white people from Ireland, Germany, Scotland, France, Spain and Italy who were the celebrated "melting pot" who were brought to America to "tame a wilderness" not for themselves in exchange for dead children and worn out bodies, but for the railroads, industrialists and shippers.
Those people did not walk on water. Those people were sold tickets to their own enslavement in being lied to that the American west was some Garden of Eden, and then were exploited in being sold all the wares necessary to survive......all by that Martha's Vineyard clique which is what the northeast coast was in America, in nothing but a giant pimp industry.

Those are the pimps who look down on Americans in these affluent types are nothing but human predators, who then in guilt rise up in order to exploit more money from the poor in things like "global warming" as there is never enough to fill the void in there is no rest for the wicked.

Martha's Vineyard, Boston, New makes no difference if they are inland ports like Minneapolis, St. Louis or some shit hole like Sidney Montana or Fargo North Dakota, all that money is being made by that patrician exploitation clique, and it is built on blood today in oil workers as much as California miners in 1849 or Buffalo Hunters in 1870.

All of that wealth flowed to the snob elites who are still preening before the world as superior to this day when that flow was bouyed up by blood of the dead.

The ship Passamaquody is an Indian word. Most of the Indians are dead and it was these patricians who exploited and murdered the lot of them. These patricians cheated Indians out of furs and goods, traded them guns, tomahawks and scalping knives to protect their interests, and then gladly stood by as the genocide of whites was carried out........until war was unleashed, and then they made another fortune from that, and took title to the land and sold it to white slaves to profit off of.
The Indian never did quite figure it out in their warrior pride that they were the biggest of dupes of the Letterman cocktail crowd who still glad hands them for casino money and BIA welfare skimming.

That is Martha's Vineyard and it makes absolutely no difference if you are looking at Rush Limbaugh's Florida mansion, as it is all the same exploitation and ruin of nature and peoples.
Limbaugh as much as Levin with that faux conservative bunch of mic heads championed North Dakota oil drilling, not because it made North Dakota rich, but because those billions flowed to the Wall Street gang while North Dakota got pennies and was turned into the biggest whorehouse in modern times.
Who do you think is benefitting from all that "record spending" in North Dakota, but the same money merchants feeding off of this.
Give North Dakota a few more years and they will be as wacko left as Massachusetts.

I put these realities here exclusively in the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, for the reason these patricians control the media content and you never hear about their blood soaked fortunes as they never want you to know what their pimp parents did and who they are now raising their skirts for, and how their police on snob hill protects the racket in throwing nigs and beaners into prison as the rich beamer brats are buying the dime bags.

Would Ken Burns of PBS ever document any of this history and present? Not on their lives, no more than Michael Moore as these cash and award whores are there to point the blame at others, so this cult of crime is never exposed.
From Burns you get fiction in the Civil War and World War II, as that is what he is funded to produce.

"How did you make your blood money?", is the one phrase that should be the first question in every post when the Obama elite goes on vacation to the patricians who have their cause celebs, as it was all built on blood and is still draining from the vein of the corpse of this exploited world.

nuff said
