As someone who is poor, I really do not get this kind of "let them eat cake" mentality from a black woman who is like Michael Jackson in trying to transform themselves into a white woman.

Beyonce's Daughter Blue Ivy Gets Mini Cadillac and Ferrari: Picture
revealed via Tumblr that her 2-year-old daughter Blue Ivy Carter now
has a mini Cadillac and mini Ferrari -- see the picture
It is just Obamaness, or what the hell is it that goes over these people's heads in there is a global super depression deepened by Barack Obama and yet with people not being able to have an American Dream, but only regime welfare, here is Beyonce giving toys to her kid which is worth more than most black kids will ever get in their lives........white kids too.......brown kids too.
This is beyond that bullshit of "it is her money". It is not hogging down a Subway in front of a person who has not eaten. It is not showing off your 100 shoes to the kid who gets their shoes out of Good Will.
I remember my older sisters in the stories Mom told about Gram. Gram had California grandkids and would put on display and Christmas time all their pretty dresses, and what did my sister's get?
Gram gave Mom dress patterns and Mom could sew them dresses.
That old bitch gave me a sweater one time, only damn time I ever got anything from her, and it had a price label attached to had been marked down 3 times.
I recall Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek in relating the story from Dr. Martin King, in she was going to quit Star Trek, but Dr. King told her that her role was too important in she was the lone portrayal of a successful black, man or woman, in media.
She stayed and it showed the things Ms. Nichols did as things were bigger than her and blacks knew they had a responsibility to keep that image out of Sambo Shoeshine.
All of that work under Obama is gone. You have Dennis Rodman jetting off to North Korea looking like the heathen he is. You have this Beyonce spouting things that sound like she likes being tied to a bed post and then rubbing it in everyone's face like the Marie Antonette fable of "let them eat cake".
It is that Beyonce should have a parent or Oprah at least come out and say, "What the hell were you thinking as this hurts all of us!"
Yet where is the one black who ever said that aloud to Obama in his acting out.
This hits home for me as I am poor. I grew up poor and I know how hurtful it is to not have a damn thing while some little miss priss has all the nice things.
I have no idea how you reach people of such seared souls. 90 million Americans are on welfare and their live suck, and most of the blacks have worthless existences getting worse, but the human thing is missing in these creature's ivory towers.
I would tell Beyonce to stop giving black people a bad name in acting like Designer Negro Chin Obama, but as you can see, the reality is I need to say to Beyonce, "Stop giving white people a bad name", as she gave up being Negroid a coon's age ago.
There should be shame in all of these rich people, but there is absolutely none.