I was pondering the wonder that you can put lighter fluid into pot and out comes a hash oil product sure to stone your mind to oblivion.
This might sound odd, but it fascinates me how with butane you can add it to mashed up marijuana and like washing laundry, the butane will then combine with the oil in the weed, and in natural evaporation literally distillate it out.
The problem was pot heads were adding fire to make the butane evaporate quicker as apparently pot profits are large and one can not wait for natural evaporation which was bringing then natural combustion.
What you are left with is hash oil. It did not look like oil, but looked more like milky caramel that one would not want to eat.
I do not care a great deal about this, but care about how I could get a permit from the federal government in order to grow marijuana and then concentrate it into brown turd form for some kind of medical reasons, in which I could make a living as the rich people seem to have a problem finding a DONATE button.'
It is not like I am asking a millionaire to dump the whole 350,000 in at once. They could like donate an echeck of 50,000 as that is what a rich person spends on fart odorizers really in a week. They could open the winds and air things out instead at least in the servant's quarters and economize in just using fart odorizers in the crapper and the bed snug.
It would be their penance or something in which the wealthy could look mournfully at their rich friends over cocktails and announce, "I am a sinner as wonderful as I am, but I still make dues in suffering, so a flage my servants with their own farts and let mother nature take her course, as I whiff it up in parfume my personal quarters which many of you have been at in committing adultery and fornication with me or one of my servants."
Where was I?
Oh yes, the oil thing, in I would grow, I promise only good plants of high mind altering white sap of the best imported Dutch seeds, and I promise to only distill the best oil from my weed, if I could just get the permits from Eric Holder.
I would think this would be of great value to Mr. Holder as the Obama and Jinn have plumes of smoke about their dope heads, and with my permit, they would be permitted to just carry around an oil turd and do with it whatever they do with oil turds.
In most cases, I will not ever consider growing dope or distilling it, because it effects the Spirit and I will not do that to any being in sending them to hell, but for medical or Obama who is already there, it would be proper I would think.
I was wondering if there were any other oil plants I could just use that were not legal, just to have an adventure with.....like milk weed is full of latex.....not that I want to build condoms or dildos are anything, but I think it would be a grande adventure to just mulch up some plants and add butane, and watch it all turn into something that looks like a chicken turd.
Maybe I could do that in Colorado......I don't know, but am not moving all that ways as it might be quite a trip on horse and TL might not want to pull a cart that far.
I have to quit now as this was only a test of something in posting. I would like to say that if the NSA in spying on me would like to give me a permit to make hash oil in some kind of national security operations, I would be pleased and promise to turn out a good product.
Oh did you know that most people view this with Safari and I have readers in Malaysia and all sorts of far off places.
nuff said