This has been irking me for some time, since someone posted at me "What's up with the blog".
Maybe you can see by the above screen capture of 11:21 Eastern I was logged out again today by the NSA operations. WooHooters!!!!!!
Maybe the volumes here posted get in the way of minds understanding the reality that what is up with the blog is I AM POOR. satan ATTACKS ME. SELFISH PEOPLE HINDER ME IN THEIR WILLS.
The NSA badgers me and affects my health along with other police state entities.
So while you have your normal lives which gives you time to surf and do things, I instead have that and several other lives with a ravenous group of ungrateful people who will not donate, and most of them think that tossing the whore 20 dollars buys you a blow job for the next 20 fucking years.
There are good people now who are going to read that and think I am lowering the hammer on them. People like the Viking, Marilyn, Jane, the Maestro, Sundae, Kim who keep in contact in the nicest sort of way, along with others who have common sense in how to speak to people and how to ask questions, are not in the mix like the people who have been good in some never say a word to me, but are doing their part.
It is this other ilk which irks me, as they do not comprehend that there is only so much energy I have even if that supply is growing in these toils. I could abandon all of this, focus all my energy on the problems which must be solved in my personal life, and the result is, I would have TL and my home as I could push that wave in Christ to oblivion along with the finances being solved........but it would mean all those readers who lurk around here would be dead, dead, dead in what is coming.
I realize they are sealed in denying me things so Christ will deny them, but all the same, this blog is providing the Rosetta Stone to translate all of this, and even if the dolt has no comprehension, there are going to be a few who are going to have things trigger in them when things come and they will be stunned in realizing, that is what Lame Cherry was nattering on about and why she was doing what she was being Inspired to do.
So I have baggage, more baggage than the lot combined. It is not some sorrow point nor some bragging point in how much service it requires. It is just what God intends for me and if I get the world on my shoulders and most people's greatest burden is running a remote control.......well some set the course of history and some peal bananas behind bars in a zoo. Each has their own purpose as bananas do not peal themselves.
I actually enjoy the questions people ask. It helps me resonate. If things are not taken up here, it is because God has not Inspired me to that direction. Is not my purpose.
I do try though.
I have been turned down now by I think it is over 15 people on places to live. Some of them are relatives and they lie to me in making excuses. I have canvased almost 2 counties to live in and can not find a nest to sit in nor a hole to lay in.
That is really taxing on me and my energies being humiliated by rich jerks non stop. All I can do though is keep praying and keep moving on. I do not want to wait in a few years until this all collapses and I will get this for pennies as nothing will be worth anything nor wait until money is worthless. I want a home now and to be prepared.
So what is up with the blog? I do not have internet access any longer so I have to pick and choose my times to cover all subjects which another obstacle as the well to do pick and choose what to delight them for that moment.
I did the calculation now in running the numbers of the Lame Cherry blog and 98% of you are heartless spiritual bastards in not donating a thing in trying to hide how rich you are.
Of that 2%, there are 6% who are Christian, which is the grande total of the few in the many called. So 6% of 2% is a few grains of sand on the ocean.
It is though the hand dealt and I fully understand some have fear about donating, but when you have a Christian offer a place several states away, who is not in the best of health and has more attacks from satan than most, it is a reality that some step up and some hide and some just step aside.
There is going to appear here in a few hours an exclusive on Edward Snowden. The result of which was I was immediately hacked, and for sport the NSA decided again to make my Mom's phone busy which is a landline, this time for 45 minutes, when she was not on the phone. When she finally called me to see why I was not calling, the first time she got a high pitched squeal when phoning TL's phone, and the second time it went through.
That is the worry I have for me olde Mum, while you sit there not donating or wondering what's up with the blog. We are being terrorized, not in Rush Limbaugh fiction, but in what the police state is.
That is the blog and part of what it takes just to post the words here ignored or stolen by the majority. Thank God for the few good people as their friendship does help.

For those who have trouble donating, I have a solution, in you can bookmark this as the Lame Cherry site and not have to be bothered with requests, as this will be the official Lame Cherry site for non donors.
So click on that link and bookmark it in BOOKMARKS and then all you will ever need to know will be given there free of charge.....unless you count your massive federal debt in Mockingbird funds.
For others who are Christian, Patriots, Veterans, Americans and whatever else have hearts and souls, there is always the original.
nuff said
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