Saturday, February 22, 2014

Epitaph of the World

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I place before you one of the most powerful men of British Government in the 19th century in a quote from a letter to Lord Grey de Wilton in 1873 AD in the year of our Lord. The words are a mirror that some of you may recognize.

‘For nearly five years, the present Ministers have harassed every trade, worried every profession, and assailed or menaced every class, institution, and species of property in the country. Occasionally they have varied this state of civil warfare by perpetrating some job which outraged public opinion, or by stumbling into mistakes which have been always discreditable and sometimes ruinous.’

-Benjamin Disraeli

Can anyone in reading the above not note in those words of scorn, the complete clone of the Obama regime in the 21st century and the absolute treacherous rule by Congress with complete criminal compliance by the courts of this regime in the attack upon every American.

It is not just the reality that this regime gay hands the homosexual with bribes of marriage, but then turns around and hands them off into the military where those confused souls are open to slaughter.
It is a perpetual likeness in this regime has a friend in Khadaffi, Mubarak and Assad and in the next is offering them up for slaughter too.

Look at the unions in being conned in Obamacare after being bribed with Government Motors. That is what is the reality of the Age of Obama in the equal to the insanity taking place in England in the 19th century. The question is who in Obama's scorched earth has not been menaced with thee most extreme prejudice?

It is all viper's tail consumed, as Obama robs the poor to give to the rich in debt dumps to Wall Street and then Obama robs the rich in Wall Street inflation off that welfare for the super rich. On a planet of 7 billion souls, there are just 300 friends of Obama, including the poodles and corgies, who have not been put upon in this most uncivil warfare.

America is in ruin as is the world. It is a pariah state of the populations eating their own. The mantra of the Obama regime is not "let them eat cake", but more appropriately, "let them eat flesh.....their own!!!!!!!"

I post that again for another Lame Cherry quote:

The mantra of the Obama regime is not "let them eat cake", but more appropriately, "let them eat flesh.....their own!!!!!!!"

Lame Cherry

What is the reality that the Negroid by Obama Natural Selection has been relegated to the extinction mass grave of this world in they are being reduced in Africa and in America, their race is being replaced by a more profitable Latin people.
The Age of Obama has heralded in thee greatest revolution of human culling since the Neanderthal, in the black had a use as slave for centuries, but now have been replaced by the Latin Amerasian cross known as the Mexican who is exploited in America or in South American gulags as the new slave class.

None of this has been lost in the progenitors of the human ascention in the western Europeans and Americans have been the target of genocide by Obamacare or Monsanto frankenfood with importation of select Islamists to become the cancer which is eating the body politic.

Even in Muslim lands, they are ruled by the most beastlike terrorism, where terrorists rule over the children of Muhammed to their nuclear extinction.

Asia is another fitting tribute to this abyss in people there are so much parts of the cartel machine where one Chinese woman sewing is discarded as much as any sewing machine when worn out.

"Obama is the age of Carnivore and Cannibal Capitalism with Marxists being the butchers for the pounds of flesh".

Lame Cherry

There is absolutely no people who has not been ravaged, enslaved or imprisoned in this Obama jihad against the planet. The once addicted dope head from Hawaii has a far worse malady in his addiction as time passes in not a childhood fancy of desiring to have been aborted, where this illegitimate child of the 3rd world now as evolved to not just the euthenasia of America, but it longs in Obama image to the suicide of the world.

Yes Obama, the image and it's adherents, call out to the victim, whose wrists they have slit, whose mouth they have stuffed with barbituates, whose head they have stuck in the oven, whose neck they have in a rope, whose hands they have placed guns, beckon all the more to "trust us that the porcupine of needles we are pin cushioning your body with narcotics are certainly the cure which is necessary for all your utopian happiness.

The reality is, that the children of the right at least had enough sense not to pet the leviathan, when the children of the left have fared far worse in taking up residence of the toothed playhouse of the Obama jaws. The leftist is being mauled and destroyed, but still they cry out for nipple to suck the poison of this regimes teats.

The Barack Obama Chin regime has menaced every person, every job, every entitlement, every thought, every word, every deed, every institution, every illness, every currency, every property and every grave in America and is in the morass of sucking all other peoples down to the same obama sands of destruction.

No one has been left untoched, unsullied or unscathed by this Obama regime, poor or rich. It is not the best of times or the worst of times, it is just the Obama of times and all contemplate which will be the moment of their end.

For America the putridicity of this makes the crown rule of King George seem like the Garden of Eden. Americans could break off that sucking tumor and be saved, but with this regime, the entire body politic by design is a cancer from welfare, education, property taxes, income taxes, eating, breathing, military, security, unions etc... etc... it is all now a race of each tumor is eating at the other tumor to survive and not realizing the corpse of America decomposed long ago, and has been replaced with this viral agent of change.

America is like an animal carcase. You know it is dead, but still it moves, but the reason it moves is there are so many dead animal bugs under the hollowed out skin, that it appears life, but there is nothing left inside but death.

It is not the reality that every person has become an enemy of the state of this regime, but this regime is the stated enemy of every person.

I repeat that again.

"Every person, right or left, has become the enemy of the state of the Obama regime, and this regime has now pronounced itself the stated enemy of every person, right or left".

Lame Cherry

The ruin of this is that there are no longer free elections as the British secured in the 19th century, for America has had nothing but stolen elections in the Age of Obama. So there is no cure for this utter ruin.
Every facet of government, security, military, education and media is absolutely corrupt. Minders for this cartel have in place agents at every outlet, and they then employ these stooges to enforce and protect the regime for their own jobs.
The people stand around looking blankly like herd animals, stunned at watching their persons violated and devoured alive. It is the ultimate caste warfare.

I repeat another Lame Cherry quote:

"The Age of Obama did not perform class warfare, but the Age of Obama performed caste warfare."

Lame Cherry

The Obama feudalism is not of social classes in caste, but one of groups chain ganged to perform duties for the service of the colony.

The Obama regime performed nothing, but creating executive orders infuriating all and created alienation of all in their bumbling mandates.
It is a rare thing in the libations of liberalism to find that even they have a limit to the extremes of liberty offered to them by this regime in the license in which to homicide themselves.

There is no remedy nor cure for this, no more than one can cure the corpse of America or the graveyard of the world due to this Obama regime. One can not innoculate a cadaver no more than one can quarantine the stench of it's fumes filling the air.
The Age of Obama is simply the smell of death which does not rub off, drift off nor wash off.

Once again,

"The Age of Obama is simply the smell of death which does not rub off, drift off nor wash off."

Lame Cherry

It is an amazing epitaph for the world in it took humanity 6000 years to build itself. It survived the Deluge of Noah, the Black Plague, Nimrod, Asteroids, Khans, Caesars and Stalins, but in barely two terms it was destroyed by Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

"Barack Hussein Obama, the ejaculator of utter ruin."

Lame Cherry

And what did the leftist regime which had brought the ruin to the British in the 19th century promise the voters to try and stay in power?

"promised the abolition of the income -tax, the diminution of local taxation , and the reduction of burdens upon articles of general consumption".

Birther Hussein promised the above in 2008 while lying to the public in stealing that election and in 2012, he just simply stole the election. The English liberals could not steal elections in electronic voter fraud, so had to resort to promising to be Conservatives.
