Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hillary's Sloppy Seconds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

I wonder if I should post insider stuff now that the Ulsterman Insiders are all washed up. I wonder why no back door overtures have come to the popular girl when such a riveting story has come up and all that backing is just not being utilized to direct the public.

You have as of late witnessed some bizarre headlines in the following:

1. Hillary Clinton is too old to do anything but die.

2. Joe Biden rubs it in Iowa and then ejaculates onto The View women.

3. The image of Barack Obama is not a shade of the original Birther Hussein.

Upon inquiry, this blog will answer the above, so all you children do not run over and jump into the abyss.

But first, I miss Michelle Malkin. Yes she was a sell out to the cartel in that czar stuff, but she is so Filipino cute and hailing from Obama's nativity, it was just wholesome foods to have her around as the eye candy section. All that is left is Obama voter, Ann Coulter, and she just looks like the announcement, "Clean up in aisle seven as the dead lutefisk fell out of the case".

What good is pretty when Lame Cherry is the only popular girl around.


I digress.

This is me not disgressing.

I hope you got the hints in the above as there is allot of information in the above, but you are already looking below.

Where to start.......

You remember O CREEP, the Obama Committee to Re Elect the Pervert, well they are still operational. They have signed off to both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden for the Oval O. To a man though, (males being Jarrett, Axelrod and one knows what a Plouffe is.), to a man though, they want Joe Biden to be President.
The cartel backs both too, and for the regime it is about not having criminal charges brought against them when out of office.

Joe Aaron Burr Biden is the one behind the Hillary is too old to be President stories. It was his category too which was pushing the demolition of the fat man, Chris Christy. This is all set up to help Jeb Bush steal the election, and as Jeb Bush could not win a one woman race, he is the democratic pick like McCain and Romney.

The infighting though is for the DNC winner and Biden is roughing up old Hillary. Mrs. Clinton though has struck back and that is who is the source of the real Obama polling numbers in all that voter regret in no one who voted for him, is happy now.
As Hillary jumped the ticket for Huma time, the entire blame will settle on Joe Biden with the public.

One must understand that after Obama went chicken entree on June 13, 2013, Joe Biden has been defacto President and been running things. Biden has been doing a good job, with John Kerry running around screwing things up in trying to appease the wacko left in the Obama party.
The deal has been struck that John Kerry will be Joe Biden's Vice President as a continuation of the "Don't give up the sunken ship of Obama as we can make it float yet".

It is an immensely poor ticket in Biden is Delaware and Kerry Massachusetts, in both being eastern liberal encampments, but with how bad the GOP is, even a bad democrat ticket is better than a Jeb ticket.

When you see these "war on women" stories coming from Ann Coulter and Wes Prudin of the Washington Times, the deep coordination for them is coming from the Joe Biden camp.
Inquiry says the great conservative writer Pruden is a Biden man. You should have learned the lesson in Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan, all being Obama girls. Those who lead you by the hook in your nose are not what they appear.

Hillary Clinton's counter has been to release the democrats all hate Obama polling data, which transfers to Biden.

That bizarre poll of who has the lovelier snatch, Muchelle Obama or Hamrod  Clinton, was generated not by Biden, but in some left field David Axelrod release with Muchelle Obama stroking herself that she is the most popular first fem in the land. These Demomaniacs are like sheep in you shout, SHOO, and the entire flock scatters in mass to a new poll. They turn on a dime on whatever they are persuaded by for the moment.

Jeb Bush in this is in his playroom, moving his barbie and ken dolls around like a great political general. In his own mind, his masterful stroke is sending out Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to do the dirty work of attacking Obama to smear the Tea Party.....problem is no one cares and his grand plan is a dessert of melted butter for entertainment.
No one gives a damn about the Tea Party after Sarah Palin was flashing all the cartel on FOX. Once you have gone beaver, no one cares what is under the skirt.

That is the great drama behind the propaganda posts on Matt Drudge. It is like a trailer for a new movie and trailer is better than the movie as usual. It does afford this blog to show itself again as the only source as all the other paid venues have led you to false leads and you have been abandoned to being lost.

Hillary has not unloaded yet. Inquiry has it that the Clinton camp has a medley of Joe Biden mouth ejaculations assembled with the focus on his being stroke brain dead to sink him. Biden has in the arsenal all that brain buzz of Hillary hitting her skull and her criminal record.

This would sound scorched earth for the democrats and it is, but do not lick your barbie and ken just yet, as the cartel has a definite plot in this, in they are talking to Jeb Bush. Do not think though that Jebby is their choice for anything but another defeat.
The political upheaval is what they will drive for in stealing an election from Jeb Bush who the publius will want like Romney, but giving it to whoever the cripple is in Biden or Clinton. That worthless presidency will check America with all the Obama debt, so the world stage will belong to the central European cartel as this is designed.

You rich people with money are all flat worlders. You have no idea the dimensions of this, as the slight of hand is always hiding so much more of the real story you never focus on.

Donate the 350,000 and all you need to know will be revealed.

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