Saturday, March 8, 2014

12 Years a Slave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I personally am incensed by the racism of Hollywood in not just making, but awarding an Oscar to the film 12 Years a Slave. It was not that like Al Gore's Incontinent Truth that no one saw the thing, like all best pictures in Hollywood, but that as Barack Hussein Obama Chin is cooling off in a Chicken Entree box about a mile away from 1600 Penn Avenue after his June 13th, 2013 exit from this world (as has been proven here with many proofs of the psychological charater of Obama has changed since then in handshakes and his hands change from long yellow fingers to short sooty black fingers.), in that an image of Obama has been taking selfies of hisself, impersonating Birther Hussein.

That got quite long, but I was not digressing and the sentences might not make sense, but I am not going to go back over the back trail, as people with money have not donated in amounts to give me the time to do it......I will now continue on.

See Barack Obama, the Designer Negro, never was American, never was American birthed, never had an American Afroid experience, and never had any slaves in his background.
It is pure racist of Hollywood to be making movies without Ben Afleck about slaves pointing to the reality that Obama has no slaves Arab, Slavic, Negroid, Israelite or Asian to join that much worshipped group.

The Obama marriage is in enough trouble with a Fang Jinn humiliating Muchelle Obama at Mandela funerals, without this further turmoil, in everyone knows that the Norwegian named Michelle Robinson of Chicago political heirarchy, actually has like 12% slave in her roots, which was a heavy 12% considering her big bones and big ass bred for cotton picking, carried through to her gynormous dimensions.
Obama is not even like 12% Negroid and this image of Obama is not even in the same flesh tone of the dwellers of Eden.

It is a terrible thing, after this blog has done so much in service of the Obama's to have Hollywood not only making racist whipping movies directed at the Obama legacy, but putting pressure on the Obama wedlocks which seem in dread lock now.

Is it not enough that the two Obama named daughters, Queenie and Sloven, have enough to deal with. Queenie the elder is now being caught by Sloven the younger as Sloven grew like three sizes the past six months. Only this blog in concern over the giant growth of the younger in wondering of a medical exam of such a spurt in what kind of genetics she has going on, but from Mum Muchelle attacking this child as fat, to where the elder became this starved creature, that all has evolved now to like size giant children, where Queenie is starting to look diminuative to Sloven.

It is a shame that Hollywood has racially attacked the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama. It is a propagandiced reminder of just how not blackoid Mr. Obama or image of Mr. Obama have never been.

It is worse in this awarding an Oscar to 12 Years a Slave, that since 2008, Barack Hussein Obama has made Americans, Muslims and Slavics slaves of the state for 6 years........

Yes in 6 more years, all of us will be starring in our own 12 years a slave, as we have all put in 6 years already.

See that is why when Rush Limbaugh makes comment on the Oscars blows it in attacking slave movies as he drops the ball and does not have the half brain to knock the Hollywood hanger out of the ball park.

nuff said
