Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Charles Bradlaugh

In the Conservative defeat of 1880 in England, Northampton elected one, Charles Bradlaugh.

Mr. Bradlaugh once a Christian, began a varried existence from his youth in poverty. Exerting himself as a Christian speaker, he soon chose to be anti Christian on the platform, and then an athiest.

He served in the military and bought his liberty there on the good graces of an Aunt.

The reason that Charles Bradlaugh is of a conveniet truth is he enjoyed and published Malthusian Economics.

That script if from Thomas Robert Malthus whose topics were about over population, it's evils and it's remedies........as population was the tremendous of natural problems.......

Yes it was all judged unfit for public discussion..........but where have you heard about some notable person desiring to come back as a virus to kill all humanity? Yes that was Prince Philip of England.

You will note that a number of Malthusian features appeared in the economics which were scripted into America about 1990, in suddenly recycling, humans being the problem for weather, and the need in all this to rid the world of 1 and a half billion people as Bill Gates espoused after becoming Warren Buffett's best chum, all point to exactly what is behind this feudal order.

People speak of the master race and Darwinism, and evolution. You know of Marxism in control of people, but the missing link in this is the cropping of populations as the way to deal with economics.

You have now the triad of evil, the manifestos by which all of this is about to crop all of you.
