Thursday, March 20, 2014

Seeds of World War

In another exclusive of the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter........

As this blog has conclusively proven, the genocide of the German peoples in the first world war, was concluded in a gentleman's agreement between England, France and America in 1897. America was to fulfill auxiliary miltary men and to provide all the munitions for the battle.
In exchange for all of this, the American were given a seat at the world powers table, and as a contractual enticement were given the Spanish colonies of Cuba and the Philippines.

Remember in this, that since the War of 1812 which saw massive British defeat, and the roll back of Spanish and French power in the Americas, that the American Civil War instigated to bring America to feudal status.

In examining the writings of intellectuals of that 1800's period, they fully had America in view. They knew that in resources and human dumps of outcasts that America was going to arise to a global status of power.

What is not stated specifically was that after the Civil War, just what was the cartel going to do with this world power which could not be destroyed from within or invaded from without?

When one had a 500 pound gorilla, the solution was to deplete that gorilla and to utilize that power in bringing to fruition the failures  of the European powers.

The Theodore Roosevelt Panama Canal was  not an American invention. It was in the 19th century a complete French failure. You must understand this that there was one nation which was accomplishing greater feats than the Americans, and that was the German Empire in Europe. Their canals and locks far exceeded what the Panama  Canal was built as, as the German Baltic locks were built for the coming immense war and merchant fleets.

You must understand this, in America could not be defeated by invasion as Germany could. So the programme was to use American resources to commit German genocide as a  "German America" superpower evolving in Europe would have destroyed the cartel in all it was.

Would it surprise you that before the Spanish American War, that the world traveler author, Jagor, wrote in 1869, immediately after the Civil  War failed to bring America to subjection, that the cartel had already sown in the idea that America was going to take over the Spanish Dominion.

“In proportion as the navigation of the west coast of America extends the influence of the American element over the South Sea, the captivating, magic power which the great Republic exercises over the Spanish colonies will not fail to make itself felt also in the Philippines. The Americans are evidently destined to bring to a full development the germs originated by the Spaniards.”

That quote is from Travels in the Philippines just after the Civil War. Where the Europeans had failed, the Americans were going to be sent in to have their best men die, their resources expended and focus distracted to, all in what would become a bribe from the cartel to bring about the genocide of upstart Christian Germany.

For those who can not comprehend "conspiracy" and discount it, as they think this is all some Jekyll Island manifestation, all of this dates back through the centuries, and the conclusion of the evidence is absolute that the  way the European masters decided to deal with America was to direct it's energies for their purposes, to deplete America and then to bring it to feudal police state expiration to become a wildlife park for the elite.
The 19th century proves this plan was initiated in that era by the written works of the intellectuals.

Americans desired absolutely no part of this as they had pioneer lands to deal with and populate, and yet there were Americans shoved into wars by these mogul traitors in America starting against Spain.

The Alex Jones group funded by the Jewish intelligentsia is stuck in that Dr. John Coleman's epic work of exposing all this from the Federal Reserve date of the early 1900's, but no one except this blog knows the origins of this and is teaching you of the long line of this scheme by evidence.

It does infuriate me in the poverty I exist to put this work out and then see it plagiarized as in the new flurry over the name Soebarkah which this blog covered years ago. It is the same furor I have when by Inspiration there is placed here exclusively the realities of Martin Luther, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Lutherans as of late and pointing to the Philippines years ago in Barry Chin, and I was dismissed or the speed readers just passed it all over, as they could not see what the story was as it was not something FOX or Limbaugh Mockingbird as much as not Soros or Obama talking points.

This blog is teaching you things to which your mind has been closed to in lies as the cartel meant this all to be hidden, so when you heard something a trigger would initiate in bias or you would be so ignorant, you would not have any idea how to link this to any information you were being fed.

The Philippines or Christian Germany genocided, who cares right? Yes, but now the Lame Cherry is linking this all to Obama, the assassination of Lincoln, Obamacare, American collapse, to the coming Great Eurasian War.

I have run out of patience with the stupid people who insulted me, were too much morons to get what was being posted here in the building process and the lot were so ungrateful they could not donate to this blog for the SECURITY OF THEIR OWN LIVES, as they are so arrogant they think they are safe from what has been planned and is being accomplished for their own genocide.

Persia is now building advanced atomic weapons, under the protection of the Obama regime, giving it cover. What do you think the Islamocommunists are going to do with nuclear weapons, cook with them?

The Islamocommunist Shia Persian nuclear arsenal being constructed is not for use against Jews. It for use against American in nuclear terrorism and against the Suni competitors in the Saudi Arabian sphere.

Now that you ignorant primates are back on the path, go fall back into the abyss as that is where you have shown you want as your grave.

nuff said
