Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Colonialism was so Easy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I came across a most interesting examination by Sir Samuel Baker in his 8 year sojourn in Ceylon. I post this here to show that colonialism was not the easy task of stealing lands and enslaving people that the Obama left would propagandize to the ignorant.

What I post is a reality of two systems in the French and the English of colonization. Sir Samuel explains the English, except in the United States never put down roots but were looking for quick schemes to make profit, but the French would put down roots for future generations, whereby the entire colony would flourish.

The following was written circa 1850 in the year of our Lord.

"No fortune, however large, can compensate for the loss of home, and friends, and early associations. This feeling is peculiarly strong throughout the British nation.

You cannot convince an English settler that he will be abroad for an indefinite number of years; the idea would be equivalent to transportation: he consoles himself with the hope that something will turn up to alter the apparent certainty of his exile; and in this hope, with his mind ever fixed upon his return, he does nothing for posterity in the colony. He rarely even plants a fruit tree, hoping that his stay will not allow him to gather from it. This accounts for the poverty of the gardens and enclosures around the houses of the English inhabitants, and the general dearth of any fruits worth eating.

How different is the appearance of French colonies, and how different are the feelings of the settler! The word "adieu" once spoken, he sighs an eternal farewell to the shores of "La belle France," and, with the natural light-heartedness of the nation, he settles cheerfully in a colony as his adopted country. He lays out his grounds with taste, and plants groves of exquisite fruit trees, whose produce will, he hopes, be tasted by his children and grandchildren. Accordingly, in a French colony there is a tropical beauty in the cultivated trees and flowers which is seldom seen in our possessions. The fruits are brought to perfection, as there is the same care taken in pruning and grafting the finest kinds as in our gardens in England.

A Frenchman is necessarily a better settler; everything is arranged for permanency, from the building of a house to the cultivation of an estate. He does not distress his land for immediate profit, but from the very commencement he adopts a system of the highest cultivation."

All of these lessons have been forgotten, as have the realities that Americans are colonized peoples who are of families who lost everything, including life in the New World.

There is a very good explanation on the cost of a colonist coming upon their land in what it literally meant in  the financial sense in the following quote:

"He is, therefore, in this position: He has parted with one thousand pounds for a similar number of acres of land, which will not yield him one penny in any shape until he has cleared it from forest. This he immediately commences by giving out contracts, and the forest is cleared, lopped and burnt. The ground is then planted with coffee and the planter has to wait three years for a return.

By the time of full bearing the whole cost of felling, burning, planting and cleaning will be about eight pounds per acre; this, in addition to the prime cost of the land, and about two thousand pounds expended in buildings, machinery etc., etc., will bring the price of the land, when in a yielding condition, to eleven pounds an acre at the lowest calculation.

Thus before his land yields him one fraction, he will have invested eleven thousand pounds, if he clears the whole of his purchase. Many persons lose sight of this necessary outlay when first purchasing their land, and subsequently discover to their cost that their capital is insufficient to bring the estate into cultivation."

Sir Samuel White Baker. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon

The initial investment of 25 schillings for 1000 acres of land then balloons into a cost of 11, 000 pounds before real production can begin, providing one knows how to grow coffee.

These same features appeared all across America in people obtained land and were destroyed by it. It is why log cabins, sod huts and dug outs were what people existed in, because the poor people were desperately trying to survive to get on crop.

I know well the stories of my ancestors in America, arriving to blizzards and droughts, to finally assume one would get crop and the locusts would eat everything, including the clothes off the lines for the wash.

It is one of the most disgraceful and disgusting legacies of Barack Hussein Obama Chin in his attack upon colonists. It is a slap at the Pilgrims and every white or brown settler who ended up in Ceylon or America for a chance to leave being an enslaved peasant behind.

I have mentioned how the first settlers in the Ohio Country which had no Indians living there, simply felled part of the forest, would plant Indian corn and move on to other things, and hope a crop was there on their return in the fall and not eaten by buffalo, elk or birds.
It would be two  decades before the people there were established enough to raise a crop of wheat for bread.

It was an amazing thing which the Caucasian and Asian Mongoloid accomplished in colonization and is to be celebrated for Christianizing savages, but for creating human advancement where people were dying by plague or by terrorism.
The reason Birther Hussein detests colonists, is colonists were free people having fled feudalism, and Obama is lord of the feudalists in his and the image's "chage for America".

I stated from the start that Obama was pirate, and that is exactly what he is, just like shamanists to marxists to islamists. They swoop in on peaceful peoples, overthrow that prosperity and bring economic rape and enslavement to all the population which is then killed off.

There is a great shame in the same of this foreign agent Barack Hussein Obama Chin. His image is a predator on nations and peoples. His benefactors have done nothing but shear populations for their feudalism. It is an evil and it kills civilizations as it is intended.

I desire you children to know the inner workings of this, so you have information and answers to all sorts of these Obama subjects to refute all that he is and was. That his legacy is recorded for what it was, the destruction of  over 500 years of human progression based upon Christian principles of free peoples at liberty to earn a living in money which is theirs to keep.

Colonialism lifted the savage and wild world into a civilized garden capable of suppporting over 7 billion people where not 2 billion before were in that space. It was done by hard work and by easy death of the colonists.
None of that is going to be forgotten from Rhodesia to Ceylon to Chile to America. The problem was never the colonists, but the feudal lords exploiting all and that is the interests of Birther Hussein in his exploitation of all to return the world to it's chains as he rids Christmas trees of Christ and degrades the pioneers of the civilized age in the colonialists.
