Saturday, April 12, 2014

Congratulating Vladimir Putin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reading of Ukraine is as plain as the nose on one's face and the reality of understanding the current projection is the superb tactical and methodological campaign which President Putin has carried out in the Ukraine.

Think of Obama with years of war and 40,000 dead in Syria, and then comprehend what Mr. Putin has accomplished in months without wholesale slaughter with his conduits taking and holding ground for Mom Russia.

This is a meal and Ukraine should be looked at like a fine sirloin.

Mr. Putin the above photo partook the Crimea or Island of Krim, a nice German Israelite Garden of Eden on the Black Sea. This was done exactly if you were attacking a steak on your plate.

The next logical portion which Mr. Putin is going to advance his line to the Dnipra River which is a string of inland lakes guarding  eastern Ukraine. That is the objective.

The salient then of Cherson and Dnepropetrovsk would be annexed. This takes the Kremlin to the shores of Kiev, and south Ukraine into Odessa would then become areas of intrigue.

The day will arrive when the Ukrainian patriots left by George W. Bush will be whining about their rule from their apartments in Paris and New York.

I have little sympathy in this for Ukraine as their propaganda is in all English and conjuring up Hitler in Putin guise. If they expect America under Obama Kerry to do the work for them, that nation is finished.
America had a vested interest when George W. Bush had a pro western government in Ukraine. When Obama turned it over to a pro Kremlin regime in 2009 as a bribe to Putin so Obama could annex the Mideast for communists, then the Ukraine ceased as a people and was a cartel bargaining chip.

Anything now that weakens the Obama Berlin Vatican axis for the Neo anti Christ empire is as Edward Snowden with NSA, a positive for moral people, as much as Benjamin Franklin in France against the British.

Considering that Vladimir Putin was by now to have been dragged through the streets and on display in the morgue, he has played this extremely well. All he has to do is stay on the border with his Army, keep his agents on the move taking territory, and voting themselves to be part of Russia.

The real situation in this is, that if NATO or Obama tried to dump US Soldiers into this, they would be faced with a Rukrainian mob which would snipe them to death along with bombing sabotage. The minute they retaliated it would be blood splatter bad publicity for the regime.

Mr. Putin deserves congratulations as much as the beekeeper in the production of a 9 pound grandchild. I was a plus 9 at birth from my petite Mom, but she had child bearing hips as I do, and it appears that in the Russian gestation of Ukraine that Mr. Putin is going to have a new child delivered to the Russian Republic in 9 months.

Yes you get no sodom from Vladimir Putin in even his appointees in Crimea are gorgeous. Putin knows how to do it from top to bottom.

Natalia Poklonskaya even has her own cartoon character. Putin has it all going on in this one.

"Ukraine will fall not from it's own weight nor from Vladimir Putin's burthen, but from the dead weight of Barack Hussein Obama, hanging like a millstone about her neck drowning her in the depths of the Black Sea."

- Lame Cherry
